Practice - Will, Won't
try Again
Lesson 112
Practice - Will, Won't
Dormiré mañana. = I will sleep tomorrow.
Usamos 'will' para hablar del futuro.
No dormiré mañana. = I will not sleep tomorrow.
Usamos 'will not' para las frases negativas del futuro.
'No trabajaré.' Selecciona la traducción correcta en inglés.;
I will not work.
I will work.
I not will work.
I will not do work.
'No saldré.' Selecciona la traducción correcta en inglés.;
I will go not outside.
I don't will go outside.
I am not will go outside.
I will not go outside.
Will not -> Won't
Recuerda que la forma abreviada de 'will not' es 'won't'. Esta forma no cambia, sin importar el sujeto.
'No contestaré el teléfono.' Selecciona la traducción correcta en inglés.;
I will answer the phone.
I won't answer the phone.
I will won't answer the phone.
I will do not answer the phone.
'Ellos han vivido en París durante muchos años - ellos querrán irse.' Selecciona la traducción correcta en inglés.;
They have lived in Paris for so many years - they will don't want to leave.
They have lived in Paris for so many years - they will want to leave.
They have lived in Paris for so many years - they won't want to leave.
They have lived in Paris for so many years - they not will want to leave.
'Me quedaré en casa, está lloviendo afuera.' Selecciona la traducción correcta en inglés.;
I will do stay at home, it's raining outside.
I will stay at home, it's raining outside.
I am not will stay at home, it's raining outside.
I will not stay at home, it's raining outside.
Selecciona la palabra ausente y completa el espacio en blanco.
Don't stay out too late, you ______
won't will
Selecciona la palabra ausente y completa el espacio en blanco.
She ______
won't arrive
will arrive
were not arrived
won't not arrive
Selecciona la palabra ausente y completa el espacio en blanco.
He ______
will showed
won't shows
will shows
will show
Selecciona la palabra ausente y completa el espacio en blanco.
There ______
won't not be
won't be
will won't be
will be not
Selecciona la palabra ausente y completa el espacio en blanco.
The weather ______
not will
Nosotros volveremos a la escuela a las 6 pm.
    • at 6 o'clock
    • school
    • in the evening.
    • we will
    • get back to
    • do
    No lograré llegar a tiempo.
    • able to
    • I
    • on time.
    • won't be
    • will won't be
    • arrive on time.
    Siguiente palabra