First/Real conditional
try Again
Lesson 180
First/Real conditional
\'Condition sentences\' 表示情况以及因为该情况而产生的结果。如果该情况属实的几率较高,那就是 \'Real conditional sentences/ First conditional sentence\'.
\'Real condition\' = 真实条件

表述条件的句子要用 \'if\' 开头
\'if\'= 如果
If I see Peter, I'll tell him to call you. = 如果我见到\'Peter\'的话,我会叫他打电话给你的。
在这里 \'I\' 见到Peter是一个属实几率高的条件,所以这是个\'real condition\'。
这里 \'if I see peter\'= \'conditional clause
I'll tell him to call\' = \'main clause\'.
'如果下雨的话,我就不去学校了。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If it rains, I won't goes to school.
If it rains, I won't go to school.
If it rain, I won't go to school.
If it rains, I won't gone to school.
'如果我完成学习的话,我今晚就会去参加派对。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If I finish studying, I'll go to the party tonight.
If I finish study, I'll go to the party tonight.
If I finish studying, I'll goes to the party tonight.
If I am finish studying, I'll go to the party tonight.
If you are in a hurry, I will call a taxi = 如果你是在赶时间的话,我会叫一辆出租车。
如果以 \'if\' 开头的句子的属实几率高的话就要用 \'first/real conditional\'。
'如果你肚子饿的话,我会煮饭给你吃。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If you are hungry, I am cook for you.
If you will hungry, I will cook for you.
If you are hungry, I will cooking for you.
If you are hungry, I will cook for you.
If you need a ticket, I can get one for you = 如果你需要一张门票的话,我可以帮你得到一张。
\'Real/first conditional' 用于提出建议或者给予。
'如果你需要一本书的话,我可以帮你得到一本。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If you needed a book, I can get one for you.
If you need a book, I can get one for you.
If you are need a book, I can get one for you.
If you need a book, I am get one for you.
If you don't behave well, you will regret it. = 如果你表现得不好的话,你会后悔的。
'Real/first conditional' 可以用来警告或者威胁别人。
\' If + subject + Simple Present + subject '+' will / will not\' 。
'如果你不遵守规则的话,你将会受到惩罚。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If you don't follow the rules, you will be punish.
If you doesn't follow the rules, you will be punished.
If you don't follow the rules, you will be punished.
If you don't follow the rules, you could be punished.
If you are studying for the test, I'll come back later. = 如果你是为了测试而在学习的话,我等一下再回来。

以 \'if\'开头的句子要用 verb +\'ing\'。
'如果你正在睡觉的话,我就不打扰你了。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If you are sleeping, I won't disturb you.
If you sleep, I won't disturb you.
If you are sleeping, I won't disturbed you.
If you are sleeping, I won't not disturb you.
If I arrive before 5, I will give Wang Jing the message. = 如果我在5点之前到的话,我会给Wang Jing传话的。
If I should arrive before 5, I will give Wang Jing the message/
Should I arrive before 5, I will give Wang Jing the message
= 要是我在5点前到的话,我会给Wang Jing传话的。
这里 \'I\' 5点钟能到达的几率不高,因此要用 \'should\' 。
You will miss the bus if you don't run = 如果你不跑的话会错过巴士的。
在负义的‘first conditional’句子里,我们可以用‘useless’来代替‘if + not/don't’。
You will miss the bus unless you run = 除非跑着去,不然你就会错过巴士的。
'除非你很小心,否则你会伤到自己的。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
You will hurt yourself unless you are not careful.
You will hurts yourself unless you are careful.
You will hurt yourself unless you are careful.
You will hurt yourself unless you will careful.
'如果我在10点后才到达的话,我就没办法见到你了。' 选择正确的英文翻译。;
If I should reached after 10, I won't be able to meet you.
If I should reach after 10, I won't be able to meet you.
If I reach before 10, I won't be able to meet you.
Should If I reach after 10, I won't be able to meet you.
If the weather is good tomorrow, we ______
are go
will go
will going
are gone
If you ______
If we go for a walk tomorrow, ______
you told
You ______
won't not be late
won't be later
won't late
won't be late
I will be very angry, if you ______
    • late, I am
    • late, I will
    • you are getting
    • drop you.
    • if
    • you are get