Future Progessive: Negative
try Again
Lesson 219
Future Progessive: Negative
Call me at 6 PM today as I will not be doing anything then = ମତେ ଆଜି ସନ୍ଧ୍ୟା 6ଟା ବେଳେ ଫୋନ୍ କର, ମୁଁ ସେତେବେଳେ କିଛି କରୁ ନଥିବି .
ଆମେ ନକାରାତ୍ମକ Future Progressive ପାଇଁ
'Will not/won't + 'Be' + କ୍ରିୟା + 'ing' ର ପ୍ରୟୋଗ କରୁ.
ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦ ର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
I ______
will not be sleeping
won't sleeping
will not be sleep
will not sleeping
ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦ ର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
I ______
will not be
won't not be
will not
was not be
'ଯେତେବେଳେ ରାଜ୍ ଘରେ ପହଞ୍ଚିବ ତେବେ ମୁଁ କାମ କରୁ ନଥିବି. ' ର ଇଂରାଜୀ ରେ ସଠିକ୍ ଅନୁବାଦ ର ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ.;
When Raj gets home, I am not working.
When Raj gets home, I will not working.
When Raj gets home, I will not be working.
When Raj gets home, I will not be work.
ନେହା ଶୋଇ ନଥିବ.
    • won't
    • will
    • sleep
    • be
    • sleeping.
    • Neha
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦ ର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    He ______
    will not be playing
    will not playing
    was not be playing
    is not be playing
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦ ର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    We ______
    will not be celebrate
    will not be celebrating
    were not be celebrating
    will not celebrating
    'ମୁଁ କାଲି ପୁରା ଦିନ କାମ କରୁ ନଥିବି. ' ର ଇଂରାଜୀ ରେ ସଠିକ୍ ଅନୁବାଦ ର ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ.;
    I will not be work all day tomorrow.
    I will not be working all day tomorrow.
    I will not working all day yesterday.
    I will not be working all day yesterday.
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    I am working today, so I ______
    won't be working
    want be working
    was not be working
    won't be work
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦ ର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    The company ______
    will not be looking
    will not looking
    was not be looking
    will not be look
    'ଯେପର୍ଯ୍ୟନ୍ତ ସେ ଡିନର କରିବନି, ସେ ନିଜ ହୋମ୍ ୱର୍କ୍ କରିବ ନାହିଁ. ' ର ଇଂରାଜୀ ରେ ସଠିକ୍ ଅନୁବାଦ ର ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ.;
    She won't be do her homework until after dinner.
    She won't not be doing her homework until after dinner.
    She was not be doing her homework until after dinner.
    She won't be doing her homework until after dinner.
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    Would you like to borrow my car? I ______
    will not
    won't be
    was not be
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    When she arrives, I ______
    won't be reading
    will not be read
    will not reading
    was not be reading
    'ସେ ଯେତେବେଳେ ପହଞ୍ଚିବ, ଅନିତା ଫିଲିମ୍ ଦେଖୁ ନଥିବ. ' ର ଇଂରାଜୀ ରେ ସଠିକ୍ ଅନୁବାଦ ର ଚୟନ କରନ୍ତୁ.;
    When she arrives, Anita wasn't be watching a film.
    When she arrives, Anita won't not be watching a film.
    When she arrives, Anita won't watching a film.
    When she arrives, Anita won't be watching a film.
    ଉପଯୁକ୍ତ ଶବ୍ଦର ଚୟନ କରି ଶୁନ୍ୟ ସ୍ଥାନ ପୁରଣ କରନ୍ତୁ.
    Do you want my laptop? I ______
    was be using
    won’t using
    not will be using
    won’t be using
    ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଶବ୍ଦ