Latihan untuk Future Perfect Tense
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Lesson 224
Latihan untuk Future Perfect Tense
Dengar perbualan di bawah dengan teliti.
The world's population is increasing day by day.
Populasi dunia sedang bertambah semakin hari.

Yes and by 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion.
Ya, dan pada tahun 2100, populasi dunia akan bertambah sehingga lebih kurang 30 bilion.

By the year 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion = Pada tahun 2100, populasi dunia akan bertambah sehingga lebih kurang 30 bilion.
Jika sesuatu perkara akan telah berlaku pada masa tertentu di masa hadapan, \'Future Perfect Tense\' akan digunakan.
Dalam ayat \'Future Perfect Tense\', 'by' dan 'by then' akan digunakan.
'Pada tahun 2100, populasi dunia akan bertambah sehingga lebih kurang 30 bilion. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
By the year 2100, the world's population will be increase to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population have will increased to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30 Billion.
By the year 2100, the world's population is increasing to around 30 Billion.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
Life ______
will have become
is become
has become
will has become
'Pada masa tahun 2020, komputer akan telah menggantikan banyak kerja yang kini dilakukan oleh manusia.' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
By the year 2020, computers will taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers have to be taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers are taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
By the year 2020, computers will have taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
Dengar perbualan di bawah dengan teliti.
By the year 2020, computers will have taken over many of the jobs that people do today.
Pada masa tahun 2020, komputer akan telah menggantikan banyak kerja yang kini dilakukan oleh manusia.

Life will have become more automated by then.
Pada masa itu, kehidupan akan menjadi lebih automatik.

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
By the year 2030, the Earth's supplies of oil, coal, and gas ______
have been run out
will have run out
has run out
will have ran out
'Pada masa tahun 2030, adakah ahli sains akan telah dapat mencari sumber bekalan yang lain?' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
Will scientists have found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Will scientists are found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Will scientists have find other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Have scientists found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Dengar perbualan dibawah dengan teliti.
Will scientists have found other sources of energy by the year 2030?
Pada masa tahun 2030, adakah ahli sains akan telah dapat mencari sumber bekalan yang lain?

Why do you ask that?
Mengapakah anda akan bertanya sebegitu?

Because by that time, the Earth's supplies of oil, coal and gas will have run out.
Ini kerana pada masa itu, bekalan minyak, batu arang dan gas bumi ini akan telah kehabisan.

Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
How ______
have will
will have
'Adakah kita akan dapat menjumpai cara untuk menyara semua orang di dunia ini pada masa tahun 2030?' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
Will we have found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
Will we have find a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
Will we found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
We will have found a way to feed all the people in the world by the year 2030?
Dengar perbualan di bawah dengan teliti.
By the year 2030, will we have found a way to feed all the people in the world?
Adakah kita akan dapat menjumpai cara untuk menyara semua orang di dunia ini pada masa tahun 2030?


By that time, how will have education changed?
Pada masa itu, bagaimanakah pendidikan akan telah berubah?

Dengar perbualan di bawah dengan teliti.
By the year 2100, the situation will have become worse.
Pada masa tahun 2100, keadaan akan menjadi semakin teruk.

I don't think so, everything will have become less complicated by then.
Saya tidak berpendapat begitu. Semua akan menjadi kurang merumitkan.

That is true but by that time people will have forgotten how to work hard.
Betul juga tetapi pada masa itu orang akan lupa bagaimana untuk bekerja keras.

Pada masa tahun 2100, keadaan akan menjadi semakin teruk.
    • By the year 2100,
    • has been
    • will have
    • become worse.
    • has
    • the situation
    'Pada masa tahun 2100, orang akan lupa bagaimana untuk bekerja keras. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
    By the year 2100, people have forgotten how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people will have forgotten how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people are forgetting how to work hard.
    By the year 2100, people forgot how to work hard.
    'Pada masa tahun 2100, semua akan menjadi kurang merumitkan. ' Pilihkan terjemahan Inggeris yang betul. ;
    By the year 2100, everything will become less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything becomes less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything will have become less complicated.
    By the year 2100, everything became less complicated.
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