Percakapan dalam situasi darurat
try Again
Lesson 242
Percakapan dalam situasi darurat
immediately rang=langsung menelepon
call the police.=panggil polisi.
Someone=Ada orang
Urgent = Penting/darurat
Call the doctor. It is urgent. My brother has met with an accident. = Panggil dokter. Ini darurat. Saudara laki-laki saya terkena kecelakaan.
Stuck in an elevator. = Terperangkap di dalam lift.
'Saya tidak dapat menghubungi siapa pun, saya terperangkap di dalam lift.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
I can't contact anyone, I am stuck in an elevate.
I can't contact anyone, I am stuck in an elevated.
I can't contact anyone, I am stuck in an escalator.
I can't contact anyone, I am stuck in an elevator.
Panggil polisi, ada maling di dalam rumah.
    • burglar
    • there is a
    • Call the police,
    • in the house.
    • calling the police,
    • burglary
    I need help=Saya perlukan bantuan.
    my car=Mobil saya
    has broken down.=mogok.
    'Kondisinya kritis, dia perlu segera dioperasi.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    His situation is critical, he urgently needs to be operated on.
    His situation is critical, he urgent needs to be operated on.
    Pasien itu telah kehilangan banyak darah, dia sangat memerlukan darah O+.
    • O+ blood.
    • a lot of blood,
    • has lost
    • This patient
    • he urgently
    • needs
    'Saya perlu bantuan, anak saya terkunci di kamar.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    I am need help, my child has gotten locked in the room.
    I need help, my child has gotten locked in the room.
    'Rumah itu terbakar, panggil pasukan pemadam kebakaran.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    There is a fire in the house, call the fire brigade.
    There is a fire in the house, call to the fire brigade.
    There are fire in the house, call the fire brigade.
    There is a fire in the house, call the fire parade.
    'Ada kebocoran gas di dapur, segera buka jendela-jendela.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.;
    There is a gas leakage in the kitchen, never open the windows.
    There is a gas leakage in the kitchen, slowly open the windows.
    There is a gas leakage in the kitchen, immediately open the windows.
    There is a gas leakage in the kitchen, immediate open the windows.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    There's an earthquake, evacuate the house ______
    'Saya perlu bantuan, saya terperangkap di dalam lift.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
    I need help, I'm stuck in an elevator.
    I need help, I'm suck in an elevator.
    Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
    He just had a heart attack, ______
    call the police
    call an ambulance
    call the fire brigade
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