Uso de 'Could'
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Lesson 255
Uso de 'Could'
He could play the piano when he was four. = Ele podia tocar piano quando ele tinha quatro anos.
Usamos 'could' para falar de uma capacidade. 'Could', é o verbo 'can' no passado.
Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
He could
He can
He could not play the piano when he was four. = Ele não podia (sabia) tocar piano quando ele tinha quatro anos.
'Couldn't/could not', é a forma negativa de 'could'.
'Eu não podia utilizar o computador, quando eu era criança.
' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
I couldn't operate the computer when I was a child.
I can't operate the computer when I was a child.
Could he play the piano when he was four? = Ele podia tocar piano quando tinha quatro anos?
Para formar as frases interrogativas, invertemos a ordem de 'could' e o sujeito.
He could -> Could he? =
Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
Could she
She could
Can she
Could permanece inalterado com todos subject pronouns
I Could
You Could
He Could
She Could
It Could
We Could
They Could
'Você podia tocar guitarra antes de fazer aulas?' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
Could you play the guitar before taking lessons?
Did you could play the guitar before taking the lessons?
You could play the guitar before taking lessons?
Do you could play the guitar before taking the lessons?
'Não podíamos falar inglês quando éramos jovens.' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
We could not speak English when we were young.
We can not speak English when we were young.
We do not speak English when we were young.
We were not speak English when we were young.
Selecione a palavra que falta no espaço em branco.
They could
They were
Could they
Can they
'Não pude ouvi-lo ontem à noite por causa da música alta.
' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
I couldn't hear him last night because of the loud music.
I do not hear him last night because of the loud music.
I can't hear him last night because of the loud music.
I wasn't hear him last night because of the loud music.
'Meu avô não podia nadar.
' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
My grandfather couldn't swim.
My grandfather can't swim.
My grandfather didn't swim.
My grandfather hasn't swim.
'Quando o computador quebrou ontem, eu não consegui consertá-lo.
' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I couldn't fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I didn't fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I could fix it.
When the computer crashed yesterday, I have not fix it.
'Eu poderia correr dez milhas nos meus vinte anos.' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
I could run ten miles in my twenties.
I could ran ten miles in my twenties.
'Eu podia falar chinês quando eu era criança.' Selecione a tradução em inglês.
I could speak Chinese when I was a kid.
I can speak Chinese when I was a kid.
I was spoke Chinese when I was a kid.
I was speak Chinese when I was a kid.
Ontem, não consegui levantar o sofá sozinho.
    • by myself.
    • lift
    • yesterday,
    • I
    • couldn't
    • the couch
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