Relative clauses: 1
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Lesson 271
Relative clauses: 1
Nora screamed when she saw the spider. It dangled from the bathroom towel. = Nora menjerit apabila melihat labah-labah. Ia teruntai dari tuala bilik mandi.
We can join two sentences that refer to the same person or thing using a relative clause.
Kita boleh menggabungkan dua ayat yang merujuk kepada orang atau benda yang sama dengan menggunakan klausa relatif (relative clause).
Nora screamed when she saw the spider that dangled from the bathroom towel. = Nora menjerit apabila melihat labah-labah yang teruntai dari tuala bilik mandi.
Di sini, 'yang' adalah Kata Ganti Relatif (relative pronoun). 'Itu teruntai dari tuala bilik mandi' menjadi Klausa Relatif (relative clause).
The man has gone on a space mission. He lives next door. = Lelaki itu sedang dalam misi angkasa. Dia tinggal sebelah.

We can join two sentences that refer to the same person or thing using a relative pronoun. = Kami boleh menggabungkan dua ayat yang merujuk kepada orang atau benda yang sama dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif.

The man, 'who' lives next door, has gone on a space mission.
= Lelaki itu, 'yang' tinggal sebelah, sedang dalam misi angkasa.
'Who' adalah kata ganti relatif 'he'.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The film I told you about yesterday. It is out on DVD.'
The film, who I told you about yesterday, is out on DVD.
The film, that I told you about yesterday, is out on DVD.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The man I ran into. He is a pop singer.'
The man, who I ran into, is a pop singer.
The man, which I ran into, is a pop singer.
The girl, who gave me the book, has not come to school today. = Gadis yang memberikan saya buku ini, tidak datang ke sekolah hari ini.
Relative pronouns always follow the word they refer to (Relative pronoun). Kata ganti nama relatif sentiasa mengikuti perkataan yang dirujukkan kepada (Kata ganti relatif).
Who = Kata ganti relatif, menerangkan perkataan 'girl'. Oleh itu, ia datang selepas 'girl'.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The woman you are talking to. She is a genius.'
The woman, you are talking to, who is a genius.
The woman, who you are talking to, is a genius.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'I bought a book, \'The Kampung Boy\' It was on sale.'
I bought a book, \'The Kampung Boy\' that is on sale.
I bought a book, \'The Kampung Boy\' that was on sale.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The phone is ringing. It is not mine.' ;
The phone, that is ringing, is not my.
The phone, that is ringing, is not mine.
The phone, that is ringing, is not myself.
The phone, that is ringing, is not me.
'The clock on the wall. It is not working.' Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat.
The clock that is on the wall is not working.
The clock is on the wall that is not working.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The vessel is made of steel. It cannot be broken.'
The vessel who is made of steel cannot be broken.
The vessel which is made of steel cannot be broken.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'We saw a man. He is no more.'
The man, who we saw, is no more.
The man, which we saw, is no more.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'I like the pen you bought. It is my favorite.'
I like the pen, who you bought, it is my favorite.
I like the pen, that you bought, it is my favorite.
Gabungkan kedua-dua ayat dengan menggunakan kata ganti relatif. 'The car is white. It is not mine.'
The car, that is white, is not mine.
The car, is white, is not mine.
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We tried the restaurant ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
People ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
Jobs ______
that are interesting
that are interested
which are interesting
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
We tried the Italian pizza, ______
Isikan tempat kosong dengan jawapan yang betul.
My job, ______
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