Belajar memilih bentuk 'have' dan 'verbs' yang tepat
try Again
Lesson 279
Belajar memilih bentuk 'have' dan 'verbs' yang tepat
'Saya tidak pernah pergi ke tempat itu ketika mengunjungi desa itu.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I have never been to that place while I was visiting the countryside.
I had never been to that place while I was visiting the countryside.
'Saya tidak punya satu pun kebiasaan buruk sebelum ini. Tetapi, sekarang saya punya sedikit.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I didn't have a single bad habit earlier. However, now I have one too many.
I didn't had a single habit earlier. However, now I have one too many.
'Kalau kamu punya mobil, tolong jemput saya di rumah.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
If you had a car then please pick me up from home.
If you have a car then please pick me up from home.
'Seandainya dulu dia tiba tepat waktu, kita dulu tidak terlambat ke pesta.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
If he had arrived on time, we wouldn't have gotten late for the party.
If he has arrived on time, we wouldn't have gotten late for the party.
'Saya perlu sampai ke rumah sebelum 11, jika tidak mereka akan membiarkan saya terkunci di keluar.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I have to reach home before 11, or else they will lock me out.
I have to be reached home before 11, or else they will lock me out.
'Saya pernah punya mobil yang bagus. Seandainya saya masih punya, kita bisa pergi dengan itu.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I once had a nice car. If I still had it, we could have gone in that.
I have had a nice car. If I still had it, we could have gone in that.
'Saya belum membawa hidangan apa-apa untuk urun masakan malam ini.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I hadn't brought any dish to tonight's potluck.
I haven't brought any dish to tonight's potluck.
'Saya telah membeli pakaian baru untuk diri sendiri.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I have had a new dress bought for me.
I have bought a new dress for myself.
'Saya dulu harus berterima kasih kepada kamu tentang hari itu!' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I had to thank you for that day!
I have to thank you for that day!
'Saya sudah menantikan hari ini sekian lama.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I am waiting for this day for so long.
I had been waiting for this day for so long.
'Saya telah mengelola sebuah pesta.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I had a party organized.
I had organized a party.
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