Had to, did not have to, couldn't - Practice
try Again
Lesson 282
Had to, did not have to, couldn't - Practice
'Mi coche se estropeo. Así que tuve que llamar al mecánico.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
My car broke down. So, I had to call the mechanic.
My car broke down. So, I have to call the mechanic.
My car broke down. So, I should have called the mechanic.
My car broke down. So, I didn't have to call the mechanic.
'No fue tu culpa. No tenías que disculparte.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
It was not your fault. You shouldn't apologize.
It was not your fault. You must not apologize.
It was not your fault. You wouldn't apologize.
It was not your fault. You didn't have to apologize.
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
It was raining heavily. So, I ______
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
I ______
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
You ______
didn't have to
should to not
'Tuve que llevar esa ropa, no tuve elección.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
I am not wearing those clothes, I have no choice.
I had to wear those clothes, I had no choice.
I didn't have to wear those clothes, I had no choice.
I shouldn't wear those clothes, I have no choice.
'No tenías por qué venir con ella.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
You had to come with her.
You couldn't come with her.
You didn't have to come with her.
You shouldn't come with her.
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
I ______
could do
must to
Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
I ______
had not
must don't
not must
'Tuve que llamar a mi amigo.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
I shouldn't call my friend.
I had to call my friend.
No podíamos hablar mucho.
    • We
    • didn't have to
    • much.
    • couldn't
    • talks
    • talk
    Tuve que ir a casa pronto.
    • I
    • to go
    • fast.
    • early.
    • had
    • home
    Selecciona la palabra ausente que falta en el espacio en blanco.
    I ______
    could be
    would to
    had to
    'Al principio, fue difícil adaptarme y no encajaba.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
    At first, it was difficult for me to adjust and I couldn't fit in.
    At first, it was difficult for me to adjust and I didn't have to fit in.
    At first, it was difficult for me to adjust and I had to fit in.
    At first, it was difficult for me to adjust and I shouldn't fit in.
    'Hasta los taxis no podían ir allí.' Selecciona la traducción en inglés.
    Even taxies didn't have to go there.
    Even taxies had to go there.
    Even taxies couldn't go there.
    Even taxies mustn't go there.
    Siguiente palabra