Latihan kalimat pasif Simple Past Tense
try Again
Lesson 285
Latihan kalimat pasif Simple Past Tense
I gave the book to her. (aktif) -> She was given the book by me. (pasif)
Arti = Saya dulu berikan buku itu kepada dia. (aktif) -> Dia diberikan buku itu oleh saya. (pasif)
Struktur kalimat pasif untuk Simple Past Tense:
Subjek + was/were + Past Participle (+ by + Objek)
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The police ______
were called
were call
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The wallet ______
wasn't given
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The car ______
was driven
was drive
was drove
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
The whole story ______
were forgotten
was forgotten
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
How was her car ______
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
They ______
was seen
had seen
were seen
Isilah dengan pilihan yang tepat.
A knife ______
was found
was founded
'Everyone saw them.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat pasif.;
They were seen by everyone.
Everyone was seen by them.
They saw everyone.
Everyone had seen them.
'A guard discovered the break-in.' Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat pasif.;
A guard had discovered the break-in.
The break-in discovered a guard.
The break-in was discovered by a guard.
The break-in had been discovered by a guard.
'We saw two kids standing outside the class.'
Ubah kalimat ini menjadi kalimat pasif.
Two kids had seen us standing outside the class.
We had seen two kids standing outside the class.
We were seen standing outside the class by two kids.
Two kids, standing outside of the class, were seen by us.
Terjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Dia telah dibawa oleh pihak polis.
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