Latihan Simple Past Tense vs. Present Perfect Tense
try Again
Lesson 286
Latihan Simple Past Tense vs. Present Perfect Tense
'Dia menamatkan ijazahnya dalam bidang teknik mesin pada 1999.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He completed his degree in mechanical engineering in 1999.
He has just completed his degree in mechanical engineering in 1999.
'Kami tidak pernah mendengar tentang prestasi dia sebelumnya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
We hadn't ever heard about his achievements before this.
We never ever hear about his achievements before this.
'Dia pernah mengembangkan sistem untuk mengendalikan lalu lintas.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He has developed a system to control the traffic.
He developed a system to control the traffic.
'Pada tahun 1975, dia menulis sebuah buku mengenai ilmu komputer.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
In 1975, he has written a book on computer sciences.
In 1975, he wrote a book on computer sciences.
'Dia saat itu meninggalkan kampus dan mula bekerja dalam bidang pilihannya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He left his college and started working in the field of his choice.
He has left his college and has started working in the field of his choice.
'Dia belum sampai di rumahnya.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He didn't reached his home yet.
He hasn't reached his home yet.
'Dia pernah menulis dua buku, dua-duanya menjadi buku laris.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He wrote two books, both of which have been best sellers.
He has written two books, both of which have been best sellers.
'Dia saat itu mengambil keputusan terpenting dalam hidupnya.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
He took the most important decision of his life.
He has taken the most important decision of his life.
'Kami tadi menemukan satu mayat di taman.'
Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
We have found a dead body in the garden.
We found a dead body in the garden.
'Aku sudah menemukan sahabatku dalam dirimu.' Pilih terjemahan bahasa Inggris yang tepat.
I have found my best friend in you.
I have founded my best friend in you.
Dia belum makan apa-apa sejak fajar.
    • hasn't
    • since the
    • she
    • eaten anything
    • crack of dawn.
    • ate anything
    Saya saat itu memintanya melarikan diri dari negara ini sekarang juga.
    • immediately.
    • asked him
    • the country
    • to flee
    • I
    • to fled
    Saya sudah membaca buku ini sebelumnya.
    • before.
    • I have
    • this
    • read
    • book
    • I
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