Simple past vs. Present Perfect: practice
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Lesson 286
Simple past vs. Present Perfect: practice
'اس نے 1999 میں انجینئرنگ کی ڈگری پوری کی۔' کا انگریزی میں ترجمہ چنیں۔
He completed his degree in mechanical engineering in 1999.
He has just completed his degree in mechanical engineering in 1999.
'ہم نے اس کے بارے میں پہلے کبھی نہیں سنا۔' کا انگریزی ترجمہ چنیں۔
We hadn't ever heard about her achievements.
We never ever hear about her achievements.
'اس نے ٹریفک کو قابو کرنے کا نظام بنایا تھا۔' کا انگریزی ترجمہ چنیں۔
He has developed a system to control the traffic.
He developed a system to control the traffic.
'1975 میں، اس نے کمپیوٹر پر ایک کتاب لکھی' کا انگریزی ترجمہ چنیں۔
In 1975, he has written a book on computer sciences.
In 1975, he wrote a book on computer sciences.
'اس نے اپنا کالج چھوڑ دیا اور کام شروع کر دیا۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
He left his college and started working in the field of his choice.
He has left his college and has started working in the field of his choice.
'وہ ابھی تک اپنے گھر نہیں پہونچا ہے۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
He didn't reached his home yet.
He hasn't reached his home yet.
'اس نے دو کتابیں لکھی ہیں اور دونوں ہی بیسٹ سیلر رہ چکی ہیں۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
He wrote two books, both of which have been best sellers.
He has written two books, both of which have been best sellers.
'اس نے اپنی زندگی کا سب سے اہم فیصلہ لیا تھا۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
He took the most important decision of his life.
He has taken the most important decision of his life.
'ہمیں باغیچہ میں ایک لاش ملی۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
We have found a dead body in the garden.
We found a dead body in the garden.
'مجھے آپ میں اپنا بہترین دوست ملا ہے۔' کا پیسِو چنیں۔
I have found my best friend in you.
I have founded my best friend in you.
اس نے صبح سے اب تک کچھ نہیں کھایا ہے
    • hasn't
    • since the
    • she
    • eaten anything
    • crack of dawn.
    • ate anything
    میں نے اس کو ملک سے فوراً بھاگ جانے کے لیے کہا۔
    • immediately.
    • asked him
    • the country
    • to flee
    • I
    • to fled
    میں پہلے یہ کتاب پڑھ چکا ہوں۔
    • before.
    • I have
    • this
    • read
    • book
    • I
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