Word Order in Sentences
try Again
Lesson 382
Word Order in Sentences
English sentences are divided into declarative sentences (statements - positive or negative), interrogative sentences (questions), imperative sentences (commands, requests), and exclamatory sentences.
Declarative sentences are the most common type of sentences. Word order in declarative sentences serves as a basis for word order in the other types of sentences.

The main minimal pattern of basic word order in English declarative sentences is SUBJECT and PREDICATE.
i) Maria works.
ii) Time flies.
In a normal (declarative) sentence, the subject of a sentence comes directly in front of the verb. The direct object (when there is one) comes directly after it:
i) The man wrote a letter
ii) People who live in house made of glass, shouldn't throw stones
iii) I can speak English
If a sentence has any other parts to it - indirect objects, adverbs or adverb phrases - these usually come in specific places.
The position of the indirect object

Indirect Object: a noun phrase referring to someone or something that is affected by the action of a transitive verb (typically as a recipient), but is not the primary object.

Him in 'Give him the book.' (Subject 'you' is implied)
The primary object is the book, as it is the 'book' that is being given (by someone, the subject). The indirect object is 'him', the person who receives the book.

The indirect object follows the direct object when it is formed with the preposition to:

i) Give the book to him. (Subject 'you' is implied)
ii) Maria gave the book to Ram.

The indirect object comes in front of the direct object if to is omitted.E.g.
i) Give him the book. (Subject 'you' is implied)
ii) Maria gave Ram the book.
Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • going to
    • give his
    • a present
    • he
    • is
    • sister
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • gave
    • some
    • the doctor
    • medicine
    • the child
    Sometimes, the subject or object may be complex to understand.
    The students (S) enjoyed (V) taking that course (O).
    In this sentence, the act of taking that course serves as the object of the verb enjoyed.

    Taking that course (S) improved (V) the students' skills (O).
    'Taking that course' here, serves as the subject of the sentence.
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • talk
    • everyone
    • to
    • Mary
    • can
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • has
    • she
    • her
    • secret
    • kept
    'When we make a sentence in English, we normally follow the following order'^~^'typefacestyle'
    Subject Verb/Verb+preposition Object Manner Place Time
    The boy studies English at school every day.
    The maid cleans the house thoroughly every morning.
    John works hard every day.
    Mary will marry George tomorrow.
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • spend
    • at home
    • we will
    • holiday
    • our
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence (use all the words)
    • Laura
    • plays the guitar
    • mine
    • a friend
    • of
    • named
    'Word order in subordinate clauses
    In subordinate clauses, the word order is the same as in simple affirmative sentences. (Conjunctions are often used between two clauses)'^~^'typefacestyle'
    conjunction subject verb(s) indirect object direct object place time
    I will tell you the story at school tomorrow
    because I dont have time now.
    Form a affirmative sentence using these words:
    • is
    • crying
    • she is
    • hungry
    • because
    • she
    Form a negative sentence using these words:
    • not
    • him
    • I
    • last night
    • see
    • did
    'Word order in negative sentences
    The word order in the negative sentences is the same as affirmative sentences. Note, however, that in negative sentences we usually need an auxiliary verb'^~^'typefacestyle'
    subject verb(s) indirect object direct object place time
    I will not tell you the story at school tomorrow.
    Form a negative sentence using these words:
    • give him
    • I did
    • the
    • not
    • letter
    • was
    Form a negative sentence using these words:
    • tomorrow
    • England
    • not in
    • she
    • is
    Form a negative sentence using these words:
    • not
    • the truth
    • he
    • tell
    • you
    • did
    Form a negative sentence using these words:
    • to
    • the truth
    • did not
    • he
    • tell
    • you
    Pick the correct option:
    We do not want to go to the cinema.
    We want to do not go to the cinema.
    Arrange the following words to form an affirmative sentence:
    • Spanish
    • cousin
    • because
    • my
    • it's simple
    • likes
    Pick the correct option:
    My friend is not going to London.
    My friend not is going to London.
    My friend is going to London not.
    My friend is going not to London.
    Form a negative statement using the following words:
    • to a party
    • not
    • we
    • going
    • are
    • do not
    Form a negative statement using the following words:
    • have
    • not
    • we
    • time
    • do
    • are
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