Phrasal Verbs (Advanced Level - Part 1)
try Again
Lesson 461
Phrasal Verbs (Advanced Level - Part 1)
PHRASAL VERBS: In today's lesson we will practice some phrasal verbs. You will be given a sentence. At the end of the sentence is a word. You will need to complete the other sentence (fill the blank space) such that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
For e.g. Jack wanted to cancel the meeting. (WORD: CALL)

Jack wanted to ___ the meeting.
Now, in the blank, we need to fill the word that means the same as cancel.

Jack wanted to call off the meeting.
Angela was full of anticipation about the party next week. (WORD: FORWARD) Complete the sentence below (fill the blank space) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between 3-6 words, including the word given.
Angela .......... the party next week.
He’d been struggling to think of a really original birthday present. (WORD: COME) Complete the sentence below (fill the blank space) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between 3-6 words, including the word given.
No matter how he tried he couldn't .......... an idea for a really original birthday present.
Her teacher said she wasn’t progressing as well as other students with her assignments. (WORD: DANGER) Complete the sentence below (fill the blank space) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between 3-6 words, including the word given.
Her teacher warned her that she was in .......... behind with her assignments.
David thought it unfair that his team resented him for not scoring a goal. (WORD: AGAINST) Complete the sentence below (fill the blank space) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between 3-6 words, including the word given.
David thought it unfair that his team should .......... for not scoring a goal.
Holly decided that she’d ask to be transferred to another department. (WORD: REQUEST) Complete the sentence below (fill the blank space) so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Use between 3-6 words, including the word given.
Holly decided to put .......... a transfer to another department.
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