Past continuous tense
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Lesson 75
Past continuous tense
Jimi broke his leg when he was playing hockey = जिमी की टांग टूट गई जब वह हॉकी खेल रहा था.
हम साधारण भूतकाल (broke) का प्रयोग भूतकाल में एक खत्म हुए काम के लिए करते है.
Past Continuous का प्रयोग अक्सर उन कामों के लिए होता है जो भूतकाल में लम्बे समय तक हुए हों और एक दूसरे कार्य द्वारा अवरुद्ध हुए हों (Was playing hockey).

अर्थात यहाँ जब जिमी हॉकी खेल रहा था तब उसकी टांग टूट गई. हॉकी खेलने का कार्य वहीँ रुक गया.

Past Continuous वाक्यों में 'was/were' + क्रिया के साथ '-ing' लगता है.
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
While I ______
was doing
was did
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
We found an old box while we ______
was digging
were digging
was digged
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
While I ______
were having
was have
was having
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
Neha ______
was met
was meeting
were meeting
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
Raman ______
was arriving
was arrived
'जब मैं घर पहुँची, मेरी बहन मेरा काम कर रही थी.' का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद क्या होगा?;
My sister did my work when I reached home.
My sister was doing my work when I reached home.
My sister is doing my work when I reached home.
My sister were doing my work when I reached home.
'मैं कल पार्टी में गिटार बजा रहा था.' का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद क्या होगा?;
I was playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I am playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I were playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I was play the guitar at the party yesterday.
'मैं डायरेक्टर से बात करने का इंतज़ार कर रहा था.' का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद क्या होगा?;
I were waiting to speak to the director.
I was waited to speak to the director.
I was wait to speak to the director.
I was waiting to speak to the director.
'जब मैं घर पहुँची तो बारिश हो रही थी.' का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद क्या होगा?;
It was raining when I reached home.
It was raining when I was reached home.
It was raining when I was reach home.
It was raining when I was reaching home.
'हम बाथरूम में कपड़े धो रहे थे.' का अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद क्या होगा?;
We were wash clothes in the bathroom.
We was washing clothes in the bathroom.
We were washed clothes in the bathroom.
We were washing clothes in the bathroom.
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
Our neighbors ______
was staring
were staring
was stared
were stared
अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद कीजिये
वे कल रात पार्टी कर रहे थे.
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
I ______
was meet
was met
अंग्रेज़ी में अनुवाद कीजिये
मैं एक अस्पताल में काम कर रही थी.
मिसिंग शब्द चुनकर, रिक्त स्थान भरिये.
They saw her when they ______
were going
was going
were went
were gone
क्या वे हमसे बात कर रहे थे?
    • they
    • were
    • did
    • talking
    • talk
    • to us?
    हम मीटिंग में नहीं जा रहे थे.
    • We were not
    • we did not
    • going
    • went
    • to the meeting.
    • gone
    सभी सम्मलेन में भाग लेने जा रहे थे.
    • Everyone
    • were going
    • was going
    • conference.
    • to attend
    • the conference.
    मैं कल पिज़्ज़ा खा रहा था.
    • was have
    • was having
    • was had
    • I
    • yesterday.
    • a pizza
    मैं कल रात नहीं सो रहा था.
    • was not
    • sleeping
    • were not sleeping
    • I
    • last night.
    • slept
    अगला शब्द