Past continuous tense
try Again
Lesson 75
Past continuous tense
‏Jimi broke his leg when he was playing hockey ‎ = ‏ كَسرَ ساق جيمى عندما كَانَ يَلْعبُ الهوكي
‏في الماضي نستخدم broke للعمل الذي انتهى و نستخدم
‏ Past Continuous للفعل الذي استمر بالحدوث في الماضي لزمن طويل وانتهى بسبب بدأ العمل الآخر و كان يلعب الهوكي لكن عندما كسر ساقه اوقف عن لعب الهوكي و يأتي

‏ was/were + الفعل -ing في past Continuous
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
While I ______
was doing
was did
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
We found an old box while we ______
was digging
were digging
was digged
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
While I ______
were having
was have
was having
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
Amina ______
was met
was meeting
were meeting
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
Ahmed ______
was arriving
was arrived
'أختي كَانتْ تقوم بعملَي عندما وَصلتُ البيت' اختر الترجمة الصحيحة في اللغة الإنجليزية;
My sister did my work when I reached home.
My sister was doing my work when I reached home.
My sister is doing my work when I reached home.
My sister were doing my work when I reached home.
'كُنْتُ أَلْعبُ القيثارةَ في الحفلة أمس' اختر الترجمة الصحيحة في اللغة الإنجليزية;
I was playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I am playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I were playing the guitar at the party yesterday.
I was play the guitar at the party yesterday.
'أنا كُنْتُ أَنتظرُ للكَلام مع المدير' اختر الترجمة الصحيحة في باللغة الإنجليزية;
I were waiting to speak to the director.
I was waited to speak to the director.
I was wait to speak to the director.
I was waiting to speak to the director.
'انها كانت تمطر عندما وصلت إلى البيت.' اختر الترجمة الصحيحة لهذه الجملة باللغة الإنجليزية;
It was raining when I reached home
It was raining when I was reached home
It was raining when I was reach home.
It was raining when I was reaching home.
'كُنّا نَغْسلُ الملابسَ في الحمّامِ' اختر الترجمة الصحيحة لهذه الجملة ;
We were wash clothes in the bathroom.
We was washing clothes in the bathroom.
We were washed clothes in the bathroom.
We were washing clothes in the bathroom.
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
Our neighbors ______
was staring
were staring
was stared
were stared
ترجم هذه الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية
كَانوا يَستمتعونَ بالحفلة ليلة أمس
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
I ______
was meet
was met
ترجم هذه الجملة في اللغة الإنجليزية
كُنْتُ أَعْملُ في المستشفى
املأ الفراغ بإختيار الكلمة المناسبة
They saw her when they ______
were going
was going
were went
were gone
هَلْ كانوا يَتحدثون معنا؟
    • they
    • were
    • did
    • talking
    • talk
    • to us
    لسنا ذاهبين الى الإجتماع
    • We were not
    • we did not
    • going
    • went
    • to the meeting
    • gone
    كَانَ الجميع ليذهب لحضور المؤتمر
    • Everyone
    • were going
    • was going
    • conference
    • to attend
    • the conference
    كُنْتُ آكلُ البيتزا بالأمس
    • was have
    • was having
    • was had
    • I
    • yesterday
    • a pizza
    لم أكُنْ نَائما البارحة
    • was not
    • sleeping
    • were not sleeping
    • I
    • last night
    • slept
    اللفظ الآتی