Soalan dimulakan dengan 'How'
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Lesson 82
Soalan dimulakan dengan 'How'
'Berapa kerap anda pergi berjalan-jalan?' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
How long do you go for a walk?
How much do you go for a walk?
How often do you go for a walk?
How many do you go for a walk?
'Berapa banyak susu yang ada dalam mangkuk?' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
How many milk is there in the bowl?
How often milk is there in the bowl?
How long milk is there in the bowl?
How much milk is there in the bowl?
Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
How long
How are
How many
Berapa kerap anda bertemu dengan nenek anda?
    • meet
    • do
    • How often
    • you
    • grandmother?
    • your
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How many
    How often
    How long
    How did
    How many times? = Berapa kali (1kali, 11 kali, empat kali)?
    'How many times?' Digunakan untuk bertanya satu perkara berlaku banyak kali (past tense) harus menggunakan frekuensi tepat untuk jawab.
    Contoh: many times did you visit Paris last year? (Answer = 3 times)
    How often? = Berapa kerap?
    How often digunakan untuk soalan lazim. Biasanya menggunakan simple present/ future tense.
    Contoh: How often do you visit Paris? (Answer = every month)
    Berapa banyak kali telefon berdering malam tadi?
    • did
    • the phone
    • last night?
    • ring
    • how many times
    • how often times
    'Berapa lama masa yang diambil untuk anda sampai ke sini?' Diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggeris.;
    How often did it take you to get here?
    How many times did it take you to get here?
    How long did it take you to get here?
    How far did it take you to get here?
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How many times
    How often
    How much
    How far
    Berapa lama anda tinggal di Johor?
    • was
    • your stay
    • how far
    • in Johor?
    • how long
    • are
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How often
    How far
    How many
    How high
    'Berapa tinggi adik anda?' Menerjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris.;
    How long is your brother?
    How high is your brother?
    How tall is your brother?
    How much is your brother?
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How many
    How much
    How old
    How long
    how long berapa panjang
    how often berapa kerap
    how many times berapa kali
    how far berapa jauh
    how high berapa tinggi
    how tall berapa tinggi
    how much berapa banyak
    how many berapa banyak
    how wide berapa luas
    how deep berapa dalam
    how old berapa besar
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How many
    How tall
    How long
    How much time
    Pilih perkataan yang betul untuk mengisi tempat kosong.
    How far are
    How far is
    How much far is
    How many far is
    Perkataan seterusnya