English to Hindi Dictionary > imperialism
the struggle against imperialism
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.
translation of 'imperialism'
Most other non-Western political systems were not able to resist Western 'imperialism' and lost their independence as a result.
This is the clearest manifestation of resurgent 'imperialism' and colonialism on a world scale.
The government's abuse of civil rights at home goes hand in hand with its brutal 'imperialism' abroad.
The concept of American cultural 'imperialism' has entered the op-ed lists.
the struggle against 'imperialism'
Western 'imperialism' is much more thorough than that.
But at every key moment the party leadership has supported 'imperialism' and war.
And throughout his life he opposed British 'imperialism' , denouncing British rule in India.
in Russia, 'imperialism' had developed alongside a semi-feudal agrarian structure
People worldwide should condemn 'imperialism' in all its forms.
One reason the old empires did crumble was the changing balance of forces in world 'imperialism' .
What social force is of necessity forced to go the whole way in the struggle against 'imperialism' ?
French ministers protested at US cultural 'imperialism'
The combustible fusion of 'imperialism' abroad, fear-mongering at home, and ready access to firearms has ensured this.
French ministers protested at US cultural 'imperialism'
The collapse of 'imperialism' in the twentieth century was a fundamental change in world politics.
Ordinary people around the world must try to resist the new 'imperialism' which is just as pernicious as the old.
They have opted instead for the oldest trick of 'imperialism' - divide and rule.
the struggle against 'imperialism'
Many in the global south regard tourism as a new form of colonialism and cultural 'imperialism' .
None of them offer an alternative to 'imperialism' and neo-liberal policies.
Hopefully, this last gasp of 'imperialism' supported by industrial capitalism will be short-lived.
They had to fight against the corporate parasites up top and 'imperialism' abroad to retain the value they produced.
But those who resisted British 'imperialism' had to resist it on the colonial periphery.
The climax of European 'imperialism' in the nineteenth century coincided with the European population explosion.
As recent history shows, there was a great deal of 'imperialistically' motivated interest involved in the fostering of international academic co-operation, particularly in an ideologically divided Europe.
Add an 'imperialistic' foreign policy and you can rest assured liberty is in its last days.
Poverty and unemployment are employed for the 'imperialistic' policy of the war machine.
The general assumption of this discourse does not seem to be that globalization 'imperialistically' promotes a specific set of so-called ‘universal’ ideas.
However if he had used these latter terms he could also be said to be 'imperialistically' imposing Western categories on other cultures.
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