English to Arabic Dictionary operative


The lay people, it should be added, are most likely to be the technical operatives in the seed industry in the USA.
a worker, especially a skilled one in a manufacturing industry.
the transmitter is operative
functioning; having effect.
they had wounds needing operative treatment
of or relating to surgery.
translation of 'operative'
عميل سري,
شرطي سري,
نافذ المفعول,
متعلق بالعمليات الجراحية
Of 781 cases, we found case notes for 714, and, out of these, we analysed the 703 cases that involved 'operative' treatment.
Impaired ventricular function in itself is not an absolute contraindication to cardiac surgery, although the 'operative' risks are increased.
However, the medical therapy is generally not very effective and should be reserved for patients unwilling to undergo dilation or surgery or poor 'operative' candidates.
With the year on year increase in rates of 'operative' delivery it is important to evaluate the impact of obstetric interventions on future reproductive outcome and subsequent mode of delivery.
There is a seemingly intriguing feature for the requirements necessary to be a CIA 'operative' that ends up being a waste of time, while the disc proper is closed out with a trailer.
But the 'operative' word was ‘if’ and she was still clinging to the ‘if’ yesterday.
You know with skills like that you might be better employed as a spy, a CIA 'operative' or something, instead of being a therapist.
But from April my husband, who works as a machine 'operative' in the factory, will be paying 1 percent extra on his national insurance.
The enemy fired, attempting to hit Walker in the leg to disable him, but at the last moment, the CIA 'operative' had started to hit the deck, sending the bullet right into his body armor.
I got on a train with my wife and after a few moments realized that I was the odd man out - ‘man’ being the 'operative' word.
He worked as a computer 'operative' at a local mail order company setting up websites but police say he had been applying for jobs elsewhere and had good results.
Patients found unfit on account of low PFT values for a particular type of surgery were rejected for 'operative' procedure.
It kicked off operations early last year, and was largely 'operative' by fall - although schools, reemboldened in a chorus of complaint, have reported serious glitches in the system.
But the 'operative' words are ‘almost everything’.
If there are any patrons out there who want to shed some charitable contributions in IR's direction we can guarantee some crazy return on investment: Crazy being the 'operative' word.
While this type of effect may be 'operative' , we note that the magnitude of the correlations between satisfaction and other perceptions varies dramatically.
The 10-mm 'operative' laparoscopy was developed, and surgical procedures were seen only by the eye of the surgeon through the lens.
The 'operative' word is fair, for soon the City might itself be experimenting with privatisation of water, with French multinational companies running the show.
They will not be 'operative' there and in effect it is the same as being anywhere else in the country.
For some major types of surgery, 'operative' mortality is an important measure of performance.
And I was asleep. ‘Was’ being the 'operative' word.
Most, if not all, postoperative organ dysfunction and morbidity associated with major 'operative' procedures may be related to changes induced by stress caused by the operation.
Well, the 'operative' word there, Miles, is waiting.
Might is, of course, the 'operative' word in that sentence, but who knows?
He has carried on working three or four days a week as a general 'operative' at Elmar plastic moulding manufacturers in Greenbridge.
These issues are unlikely to be resolved until a Chief of Defence Staff is appointed and given the authority over the service chiefs to make the SF Command truly 'operative' .
See if that ‘big grin’ is 'operative' in a courtroom.
Still, the crowding-out effect is 'operative' as the new money ‘printed’ by the government is competing for resources with old money saved by the public.
Patient selection is crucial, as the 'operative' morbidity and mortality may be unacceptable in patients with limited cardiopulmonary reserve.
An 'operative' of the Bulgarian secret police stabbed him with an umbrella, the point of which had been poisoned with ricin.
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