English to Arabic Dictionary personalize


the wedding invitations will be personalized to your exact requirements
design or produce (something) to meet someone's individual requirements.
the mass media's tendency to personalize politics
cause (something, especially an issue, argument, or debate) to become concerned with personalities or feelings rather than with general or abstract matters.
translation of 'personalize'
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I'd really like to 'personalize' my bike with my name discreetly placed along the top tube.
Cover the albums with pretty fabric or lace and stencil the recipient's initials on the front to 'personalize' it.
The problem is that we Americans have this tendency to always 'personalize' these conflicts.
Buying a house gives you the opportunity to choose a unique and distinct architectural style and to 'personalize' it.
It may also 'personalize' its behavior for each individual user based on knowledge of that user's profile, interests, and history.
the mass media's tendency to 'personalize' politics
Existing customer information can be used to help 'personalize' the customer experience.
We took advantage of the chance because it did 'personalize' and localize the issue.
A cookie is a text file of user data that helps e-tailers 'personalize' Web pages for specific users, as well as identify an online customer's shopping habits.
the mass media's tendency to 'personalize' politics
But few dot-coms have realized that marketing potential, which would require them to 'personalize' a site's content and advertising to each visitor's lifestyle in real time.
Does someone inclined to activism mentally 'personalize' political and economic policies and events differently than someone inclined to sit back and let others sort things out?
They tended to 'personalize' and anthropomorphize their pets and viewed themselves as rescuers of suffering or unloved animals.
This helps 'personalize' service to each customer.
You can 'personalize' your outgoing message by recording your own name or greeting.
These bracelets not only feature encouraging words but on some websites, you can actually 'personalize' them with your name, your own quote, or even your astrological sign.
You can 'personalize' the map with local landmarks or names and places that are especially meaningful to you.
But doesn't 'personalization' defeat the whole purpose of awareness?
What I'm talking about is a sort of provocative atmosphere and a 'personalized' politics that - at times - was the result of personal problems rather than progressive analysis.
The supreme One has a form, a 'personalized' God who rescues His devotees, and restores justice and virtue.
And last but not least, each label is 'personalized' with the client's name and ID number, enhancing each individual jeans' exclusiveness.
What has changed is technology has facilitated our ability to reach people on a more customized, more 'personalized' basis.
But Plato tells us that the ethical laws cannot be the arbitrary whims of 'personalized' gods.
Although their instructional activities reflected current knowledge of effective instruction, they adapted and 'personalized' this instruction to meet a student's unique needs.
By doing so, you'll be 'personalizing' your outfit while making it look fun and unique.
They have different approaches in meeting the demand for more 'personalized' services from their important customers.
We weave the child's name onto the bear's jersey to 'personalise' it.
Another element in his manner is his incessant 'personalising' of the issues.
His antipathy towards 'personalised' politics is long established, but that hasn't stopped others from making him the subject of unpleasant and underhand methods.
Bottero's concise explanation of henotheism clarifies how a pantheon, with its bewildering myriad of gods, becomes 'personalised' through personal preference for a single deity.
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