English to Bengali Dictionary install


we're planning to install a new shower
place or fix (equipment or machinery) in position ready for use.
he was installed as music director at the Cathedral of St. Barbara in Cracow
place (someone) in a new position of authority, especially with ceremony.
translation of 'install'
অভিষিক্ত করা,
কাউকে কোনো পদে বা আসনে বসানো,
পদাসীন করা,
স্থাপন করা,
পদে অধিষ্ঠিত করান,
অভিষেক করা,
স্থাপিত করা,
বহাল করা
I will adopt her and 'install' her at the same school that Laura-Anne goes to.
we're planning to 'install' a new shower
Friday we were without a car as Scooter Boy and his minions worked to 'install' a chair lift in the trunk.
Because they got help from government agencies to 'install' the new machinery, the mill will have paid for itself within six years.
Drinks supplier John Smith's are also keen to 'install' T-shaped pumps to expand the choice of beers on the bar.
Meanwhile work will commence to 'install' a new lift near the main reception area of the old town hall.
But it is a big task to 'install' him as orchestrator with so little hands-on experience.
Issac cannot even speak broken English, and there are efforts to 'install' him as a coach.
we're planning to 'install' a new shower
If the plans go ahead, work to 'install' the ticket machines will begin on Friday.
If the car has power brakes, 'install' a vacuum pump to operate the brake booster.
Shortly, he said, we would see the dog's handler take a hold on her haunches and 'install' her in her appointed trap, backside first.
Lim shares his criticism of Arroyo with many of the people that helped 'install' her in power.
In fact, maybe they should just 'install' quiz machines like they have in pubs.
He wants the US to 'install' a puppet regime based around Ahmed Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress.
you may want to 'install' a new version of the program
The company is ready to 'install' equipment manufactured by Germany's Schuster Engineering.
Bimantoro attended the induction of Agum, but he skipped the ceremony 'installing' Chaeruddin in his new post.
Mr Pinkerton said the club had 'installed' a coffee machine at the front of the club especially for the police.
He was 'installed' as a Serving Brother at a ceremony in London, performed by Lord Caccia on behalf of The Queen.
They send all the 'installers' out cold, with general hints: customer having problem with signal.
Enchanted, Kim, who already had two mistresses at the time, 'installed' her at one of his villas.
Can't we just get rid of the young pretenders and 'instal' him as King of England?
She 'installs' a private elevator in her house, for use while she convalesces.
He was 'installed' as music editor but the plug was pulled after nine weeks.
What's that you say, local 'installers' contracted by Sears, you're asking us if we want a power cord for our new dishwasher?
Arroyo is only able to run for a second term because of the anti-democratic way she was 'installed' .
The Guardian have 'installed' me in a room without any working electric lights.
He was 'installed' in a pharmacy owned by his father on nearby Observatory Street.
The issue would appear to be one of incorrect installation and this is being further investigated with the manufacturers and 'installers' .
Credits: Google Translate
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