English to Bengali Dictionary possibly


he found himself alone, possibly the only surviving officer
perhaps (used to indicate doubt or hesitancy).
Men are possibly more likely to be unwilling to report it, and are much less likely to be believed if they do.
in accordance with what is likely or achievable, in particular.
translation of 'possibly'
I think the team they selected 'possibly' indicated their own interest in the competition.
She said it so politely that there was no way I could 'possibly' argue.
Again the study of estrogen alone 'possibly' preventing strokes continues.
Common sense would indicate that the substance 'possibly' was baby powder from a diaper change.
Apparently, according to this report, I may be more likely to suffer from memory loss and 'possibly' even brain shrinkage in my old age.
All we can do is remember most everyone reading this is rich by comparison and we should contribute to the relief efforts if we 'possibly' can.
Who can 'possibly' take a realistic overview of the CDs that pour from labels large, small, and smaller still?
According to political correspondents - and who could 'possibly' doubt anything they would write?
If it is, that would indicate that 'possibly' the boy drowned in this pool.
Nothing I could feel, no bewilderment or fright, could 'possibly' match theirs.
No conceivable counter-measures effort could 'possibly' have achieved more.
That determination to make yourself as good as you can 'possibly' be and achieve as much as you can.
The increased scrutiny is likely to slow airport travel, 'possibly' requiring airlines to curtail flights as the system is already taxed.
I really would have to say now that it is about consolidating and it is about avoiding relegation and trying to achieve the best we 'possibly' can.
James asks how we can 'possibly' indicate the difference between what is known, inferred, or imagined in a reconstruction.
what can you 'possibly' mean?
She tried to be as polite as she 'possibly' could about matters without physically pushing away.
We recycle as much as we 'possibly' can, and make every effort to save valuable energy, such as the use of low energy light bulbs and hot water tank lagging.
The fact that he had none 'possibly' indicated that he trusted his visitors.
What can they 'possibly' achieve by taking kids hostage?
he found himself alone, 'possibly' the only survivor
Specifically, I was surprised that the article's author could 'possibly' be so naive.
These messages 'possibly' indicated the presence of severe mental health issues.
Miss Lewis says doctors have told her that her father now has a 50 per cent chance, 'possibly' less, of surviving the horrific injuries.
They doubted that he could 'possibly' be looking for a pen in the dead of night.
A broken leg and nowhere to go, she could not 'possibly' survive alone.
Our aim - the aim of all of us - should be to make these efforts as successful and productive as we 'possibly' can.
However could you 'possibly' indicate in the next issue that the book is available in all good bookshops.
It is part of a vernacular literature that goes back unbroken to the fifth or sixth century, 'possibly' earlier, and survives to this day.
could you 'possibly' pour me another cup of coffee?
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