English to Bengali Dictionary representation


asylum-seekers should be guaranteed good legal advice and representation
the action of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or the state of being so represented.
the representation of women in newspapers
the description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way or as being of a certain nature.
translation of 'representation'
As Derrida suggests, a painter cannot look simultaneously at the model and at its 'representation' .
The importance of Neoplatonic ideas in renaissance visual 'representation' of and intervention in the physical world has been well documented.
Surely this isn't our musical 'representation' speaking out on behalf of urban youth everywhere and finally, we don't have to be ashamed?
It will operate in a non-adversarial mode, will deal with bona fide cases and will reduce the need for legal 'representation' , also a measure sought by Ibec.
As such a strong and admirable character, Kate defies the traditional 'representation' of a woman in this type of film where women tend only to be the helpless victims of the psychotic killers.
I want to broaden my scope into other areas and I will be launching a music enterprise of my own - a total music enterprise providing legal 'representation' and management.
In theory, continuity of legal 'representation' is never lost.
In this account, mental consciousness, and the ability to form mental 'representation' , owe their existence to, and are correlated with the brain.
As I will argue here, the representation of fetishism in her writing exists in a paradoxical relationship with the fetishism of her theory of 'representation' .
Peter Krausz provides a useful introduction to this theme in his overview of 'representation' of Indigenous people in Australian film history.
It is situated in Idris's own geographical territory but it is conceived by and aimed at those who are external to that space and who possess the means of 'representation' and interpretation.
In 'representation' that is immediately perceptible and more abstract, Hobbs documents a world that is both familiar and strange (even to those who know it).
Hence, the photograph is not only the 'representation' of reality via the photographed object, it is likewise the preservation of the time in which the object existed.
This is not their remit, and you will need to have independent legal and fiscal 'representation' abroad so that your overseas commitments are handled by someone who is expert in that particular region.
Ingres based his 'representation' of the Cardinal on Raphael's portrait of him and that of Raphael on a supposed self-portrait.
Will legal or other 'representation' be permitted and, if so, what rules will apply regarding liability for costs?
Since u2018abjection is coextensive with the Symbolic Order,u2019 any 'representation' of that order can be scrutinized for its hidden presence.
Denoncourt's Via crucis explores a boy's imaginative interpretation of the Catholic iconic 'representation' of the crucifixion and ascension of Christ.
any buyer was relying on a 'representation' that the tapes were genuine
Because 'representation' through speaking is impossible, Ginsberg is free to do whatever he wants to answer a question.
Legal 'representation' has been granted to more than 70 witnesses, most of whom would be entitled to have their costs met.
u2018Scruburbiau2019 is a quirky 'representation' of Australian suburban life through larger than life sculptures of domestic objects.
Finally, Lee embodies a kind of nationalism in his own physical presence and allows his body to evolve as the filmic 'representation' of nationalism.
Poussin's view of the genre, as a 'representation' modelled on true nature, echoes the meaning of the caprice in at least one form of literature.
He arrived on Thursday, 3 August and left the following Monday, after helping to arrange legal 'representation' for Harris.
It is my contention that Van Eyck's picture is a posthumous 'representation' of Costanza, the only wife of Giovanni di Nicolao of whose existence we find any evidence.
If search is driven both by cognition and experiential learning, then changing one's cognitive 'representation' poses an additional risk.
Anthills of the Savannah thereby thematizes it own immanent limitation as 'representation' of reality and capsule of ideas.
a striking 'representation' of a vase of flowers
Clearly, three decades of feminist theory of 'representation' have yet to have any perceptible impact on Balthus studies.
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