English to Gujarati Dictionary creature


night sounds of birds and other creatures
an animal, as distinct from a human being.
translation of 'creature'
હીન કોટીની વ્યક્તિ,
પરાધીન કે પરવશ વ્યક્તિ,
કોઈનો આશ્રિત કે હથિયાર,
પ્રાણી-માનવ યા પશુ
Rachel moved her eyes down to this charming 'creature' 's face.
the village teacher was expected to be the 'creature' of his employer
She was as much a 'creature' of the control freaks as any of the weaker members of the front bench.
Spin fantasies in your head, she's probably the most charming and intelligent 'creature' on earth.
He said: u2018I just thought she was the most beautiful 'creature' I'd ever seen in my life and I had to find out about her.u2019
you heartless 'creature'!
a 'creature' from outer space
Both movies have a big-name comedian dressed up as a fictional 'creature' .
And Irma, that vain, wretched 'creature' , would never take such an unnecessary risk to herself as that.
you heartless 'creature'!
If you've ever looked into the eyes of a chimp or gorilla there's no denying that lurch of recognition for a fellow 'creature' obviously capable of complex thoughts and feelings.
What wretched 'creature' would give up the fight before he's truly lost?
The girl was a pretty feminine 'creature' with hatred toward men.
the village teacher was expected to be the 'creature' of his employer
a 'creature' from outer space
I was brought up understanding that there were certain courtesies and considerations to be extended to all fellow 'creatures' .
They should also realise that international organisations are the 'creatures' of the governments which created and manage them.
Or does a whole lot of suffering stem from a disdain of 'creaturely' dependence?
The last animal legends highlight the crazy swings in Americans' sentiments toward their fellow 'creatures' .
There are no vampires, werewolves, zombies or outer space 'creatures' .
Kira carried on walking, muttering angrily to herself about the absolute stupidity and selfishness of demons and mythical 'creatures' .
There are mythical 'creatures' like dragons, cobras and emblems like the solid Maltese cross.
Just because many birds can fly, it does not follow that all 'creatures' that fly are birds.
Wherever I go, I am awed by the diversity of our fellow 'creatures' and their staggering variety of color, design, adaption and behavior.
We, and our fellow 'creatures' , will be the beneficiaries.
Of course, since dragons are mythical semimagical 'creatures' anyway, it's difficult to guess what flight characteristics they might have.
Ducks are 'creatures of habit' , they like routine.
Forgive us for the words, the choices, and the acts which bring grief to you and to our fellow 'creatures' .
The images consisted mainly of mythological 'creatures' such as dragons, fairies, and merfolk.
They encourage the viewer to take a more compassionate look at his or her fellow 'creatures' , including the most despised and marginalized.
Credits: Google Translate
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