English to Gujarati Dictionary sensitive


Thus, the positive results demonstrated by the sensitives do not appear to have resulted from ubiquitous stereotypes regarding ghosts that caused witnesses and sensitives to respond to the locale in a concordant manner.
a person who is believed to respond to occult influences.
the new method of protein detection was more sensitive than earlier ones
quick to detect or respond to slight changes, signals, or influences.
I pay tribute to the Minister for his sensitive handling of the bill
(of a person or a person's behavior) having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others' feelings.
translation of 'sensitive'
ઉપકરણની બાબતમાં સુગ્રાહી,
The most simple way to look at this is that a genotype might influence who is 'sensitive' to the impact of that first unhealthy weight loss diet they go on, she said.
Platelets are quite 'sensitive' to outside signals because they have to clump together to prevent blood loss.
Orthochromatic films are not 'sensitive' to red light at all, and may be developed under a red safelight.
Well, the only thing is he is so extraordinarily responsive and 'sensitive' to any move that I make that it's uncanny.
To saddle them with convenient moralizing about jeopardising the financial system by untimely disclosure of 'sensitive' information only compounds the offence.
Be aware that even in your own office, maintaining the security of 'sensitive' information can have its challenges, especially around visitors.
A silver-based 'sensitive' coating, then on paper, later on glass and ultimately on plastic film, was used for a brief exposure in the camera.
The Victorian Opposition has released details of what it claims is yet another breach of 'sensitive' security information within the Victoria Police.
Some farmers and processors are saying we should not be afraid to test all cattle going to slaughter for BSE, or at least those going to 'sensitive' markets such as Japan.
Their differences could be recorded by displaying their transmissions on a cathode ray tube and using a cine camera, equipped with very 'sensitive' film, to take high-speed photographs of them.
They should restrict access to 'sensitive' information to only those employees with a need to know.
u2018We did have a breach of security, with 'sensitive' police information somehow leaking out,u2019 Mills said.
He pointed to the damage done to the 'sensitive' ecosystems in Shoalwater Bay by the US-Australia military training exercises that have taken place there since 1992.
A young and eager mind endowed with the gift of scientific aptitude is particularly 'sensitive' to these societal influences.
The beautiful MacMillan work got a 'sensitive' and delicate reading that asked for more of this seldom heard but wonderful English composer.
Wendy Noel plays Maureen as an edgy, outspoken and 'sensitive' woman.
Even the orthochromatic films were not 'sensitive' to red light.
You can either copy as many times as you like, or not copy at all, and the record companies have been terrified of implementing the u2018copy protection onu2019 mode in 'sensitive' markets.
This regimen is widely used in cost 'sensitive' markets, but even in the United States it is still popular.
In those cells they found proteins called cryptochromes which are highly 'sensitive' to magnetism, undergoing slight structural alterations in response to changes in a magnetic field.
Sucrose is a good subject for testing the sequence because it has resonances very close to that of water, making the signal 'sensitive' to the quality of the water suppression.
The area was extremely 'sensitive' to even light touch, and he was unwilling to have acupuncture needles inserted in or around this area because of the severe pain.
Well the sensor is very versatile and it works in simultaneous modes so it both detects magnetic materials but it's also 'sensitive' to the electric susceptibility.
It is thought unlikely that the report will be published because of the 'sensitive' security and operational information that it contains.
Oberlander will also explain that people are highly 'sensitive' to subliminal signals about personality, regardless of whether or not they know who a message has come from.
Strains with mutations in both genes are very 'sensitive' to DNA damaging agents, have very short telomeres, and undergo cellular senescence.
Exhumation and re-interment of remains will be handled in a 'sensitive' way.
The object was to avoid creating situations where 'sensitive' information might be at risk.
The edge guard bands make the cartridge less 'sensitive' to possible tape damage as a result of non-uniform tape pack wind, temperature shock, and transportation.
His career as a dance artist and experience as manager/producer also helped bring 'sensitive' insights into the workshop discussions.
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