English to Gujarati Dictionary tsunami


The earthquake could have caused tsunamis because large tidal waves had followed past quakes in the area, he said.
a long high sea wave caused by an earthquake, submarine landslide, or other disturbance.
A 'tsunami' is not just one wave but a series of waves, much like dropping a rock into a pool of water.
a 'tsunami' of data pours into the CNBC newsroom every minute of every trading day
the loss of human lives from this latest 'tsunami' is staggering
Another rare event that may result from a 'tsunami' is a standing wave or seiche.
a 'tsunami' of data pours into the CNBC newsroom every minute of every trading day
There were no reports of damage or injuries, and the earthquake did not trigger a 'tsunami' .
The 'tsunami' was caused by an earthquake and was unrelated to climate change.
The causes of earthquakes and the 'tsunamis' they create have natural causes which can be explained by science.
Through the geologic sciences, we can anticipate earthquakes, 'tsunamis' and droughts.
The second or third wave is usually the biggest, and some 'tsunamis' have divided into seven or more waves.
Data on coastal flooding resulting from these tsunamis has bee used to develop models of individual 'tsunamis' .
The majority of the damage and death came from a series of four huge 'tsunamis' triggered by the eruption.
The southern coast took the main brunt of Sunday's massive earthquake-generated 'tsunamis' .
Other destructive historical earthquakes and 'tsunamis' have been smaller.
I'm sure you have heard about the earthquake and 'tsunamis' that have devastated Asia.
This may help it understand the processes that trigger earthquakes and 'tsunamis' and improve early warning.
When such big undersea earthquakes do strike, giant tidal waves, given the name 'tsunamis' by the Japanese, are sure to follow.
The earthquake could have caused 'tsunamis' because large tidal waves had followed past quakes in the area, he said.
Thousands are still missing in the nine countries hit by the 'tsunamis' waves.
Eathquakes and killer 'tsunamis' have wreaked havoc in various parts of the world time and again.
Earthquakes and 'tsunamis' of those proportions have hit us in the past as we do live in a very vulnerable part of the world, on a tectonic plate.
Many people refer to 'tsunamis' as tidal waves, but scientists do not use this term to describe the phenomenon.
Earthquakes and 'tsunamis' are not the only natural disasters in need of better forecasting.
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