English to Hindi Dictionary congested


अतिप्रजन का
The teacher stood up from his congested desk full of paperwork and gulped a bit.
blocked up with or too full of something, in particular.
translation of 'congested'
अधिक भरा हुआ,
अतिप्रजन का
Thus, according to the Chinese, people in whom the liver is too full of blood and hence hard and 'congested' , will be naturally irritable.
Overall the audio has a weak, 'congested' sound to it.
Then the widened roads become 'congested' with traffic again, sometimes immediately.
The stroma of the papillary fronds consisted of loose fibrous tissue with abundant, thin-walled, 'congested' blood vessels.
But this week, she became 'congested' , and yesterday, the dizziness returned; it got so bad she went to the school nurse, where lying down made it worse.
If you're serious about doing something about your 'congested' cooler, the alternatives I mentioned should get you thinking.
Many of them said there was no reason to wear a seat belt because most of the streets in the city were so 'congested' with traffic.
The proposal for this was made three months back to bypass the 'congested' city roads and help the bus drivers drive safely to various destinations.
My daughter, she's 'congested' and she's stopped breathing.
And what better time to do it than on a Sunday afternoon, when the 'congested' city roads and bazaars are not as maddening a proposition to wade your way through as they are on a week day.
The teacher stood up from his 'congested' desk full of paperwork and gulped a bit.
The streets are often heavily 'congested' with traffic such that a chauffeur driven car hire is almost a must.
She was taking two decongestants and a nasal steroid daily for allergies, but they weren't helping - she was always 'congested' anyway.
Traffic jams and 'congested' spaces under flyovers, where people stopped to escape getting wet, were a common sight.
The traffic snarls and 'congested' roads near schools hardly mattered for motorists, as they welcomed them with warm smiles and long grins.
But the group insists that the size of the development is too large for the conservation area and would bring traffic havoc to already 'congested' lanes.
Similarly, we offer after-hour discounts to encourage users to download large files in the evenings when our internet access is less 'congested' .
Also, some mind-body practitioners believe a 'congested' throat may signal that you're not expressing your feelings.
So by all means, if you think your child's cold has gone on for more than seven days, and your child is still 'congested' and perhaps coughing heavily, see your pediatrician.
To stave off colds, she should combine it with aconite at the first sign of a scratchy throat or a 'congested' feeling in the head.
I put my arm on her shoulder and replied, ‘Yeah, the air's too 'congested' here anyway.’
The gateway router can easily become 'congested' .
Too often, though, the tunes felt 'congested' - too many ideas crammed together to let the melodies breathe.
When the liver becomes 'congested' , serum transaminase and bilirubin levels may become elevated, and jaundice may be present.
The aim of the £47.9 million project is to take 60 per cent of the traffic out of the 'congested' town centre.
When it happened, my 'congested' photos suddenly felt airy and bouncy, almost frivolous, in close proximity to Joyce's denser pictures.
The satellite lines were 'congested' , so I called London on my mobile phone and dictated the story, reading it out word by word.
To make matters worse, thick, fibrous adhesions are often formed anchoring the 'congested' , fatty tissue to the muscular layer below.
Almost sixty years later, the broadcast sound, while 'congested' , is not at all difficult to wrap one's ears around.
The older and more 'congested' arteries get, the more subject they are to blood clots, the body's version of traffic jams.
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