English to Hindi Dictionary extrapolate


एक्सट्रपलेशन करना
the results cannot be extrapolated to other patient groups
extend the application of (a method or conclusion, especially one based on statistics) to an unknown situation by assuming that existing trends will continue or similar methods will be applicable.
translation of 'extrapolate'
एक्सट्रपलेशन करना
If you look at previous attempts by actuaries to 'extrapolate' trends, the forecasts have always undershot - and better lifestyles and medical advances have accelerated the improvement in life expectancy.
it is always dangerous to 'extrapolate' from a sample
During that time, I've seen numerous threat briefings that attempted to 'extrapolate' possible terrorist strategies out of the most obscure bits of intelligence.
Using these three basic numbers - population, CO2 emissions, and GDP - I proceeded to 'extrapolate' some figures.
it is always dangerous to 'extrapolate' from a sample
attempts to 'extrapolate' likely human cancers from laboratory studies
The computational model can 'extrapolate' the morphogenetic movements of human organs such as the eye, heart, lung etc.
Most franchisors will not make earnings claims, but will provide information with which you could potentially 'extrapolate' gross sales figures.
It's part of their job to 'extrapolate' from current trends, anticipate future problems, and head them off at the pass.
The evidence needed for sound policymaking should thus be much more comprehensive than attempts to 'extrapolate' dubious principles from the findings of controlled trials.
The final slope of all the complex curves 'extrapolate' at the intercept to an average value of 1.5 0.5.
Most importantly, it is not a matter to which the hypotheses and 'extrapolations' of the opposition can be applied with any seriousness whatsoever as they have been in this chamber today.
Therefore, results cannot be 'extrapolated' to pharmacy students nationwide or to student populations in other degree programs.
The 2004 survey researchers 'extrapolated' figures from information from 248 local authorities in the UK.
He insisted that the data supplied by the claimants rested ‘on surmise and inapposite 'extrapolations' from animal studies and industrial accidents’.
Many others disagree, claiming that many of the characteristics of communities are unique and cannot be 'extrapolated' from the species level.
Although trials showing the benefits of these drugs have excluded patients above this age, evidence suggests that these data may reasonably be 'extrapolated' to older patients.
Some studies in adults have shown that ibuprofen is more effective or as effective in pain relief compared with acetaminophen, but these results cannot be 'extrapolated' to children.
Using this relationship, we 'extrapolated' the estimated time of divergence from adjusted measures of pairwise differences between Dendropoma species.
This is all supposition and 'extrapolation' on McDougall's part.
But there are so many minor but questionable 'extrapolations' and speculations as to divert even the sympathetic reader away from his greater historical aims.
The first is a study on the breakdown of partnerships in Sweden and Norway which, because of flaws in its sample group, can in no way be 'extrapolated' to a condemnation of the stability of gay relationships.
The 98,000 figure is 'extrapolated' from an excess of 44 deaths reported since the invasion.
In particular, investors may follow a ‘momentum’ model of buying and selling currencies, so that once a movement gets going, it tends to generate an 'extrapolative' dynamic of its own.
Data about them, however, must be 'extrapolated' from demographic information compiled by the Australian and New Zealander governments.
It can also be 'extrapolated' to a marital situation.
From the combination of the relative absorbances and relative fluorescence quantum efficiencies of the two substances, a relative quantum yield could be 'extrapolated' .
Decisions about whether the threshold has been crossed are difficult precisely because they are, by nature, anticipatory and 'extrapolative' .
The results of a retrospective analysis are specific to the observed variation in the vital rates, and can be 'extrapolated' to other situations only with great care.
What they did was approach American folk and roots music with the precision and 'extrapolative' inventiveness of jazz.
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