English to Indonesian Dictionary elliptical


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an elliptical lyrical style
(of speech or writing) using or involving ellipsis, especially so as to be difficult to understand.
translation of 'elliptical'
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The writing may be a bit 'elliptical' , but it's fun, which most food columns tend not to be.
The elephant's road to freedom links up with a city dweller making a hard choice in a treacherous world, and in Sommers's hands, it all makes 'elliptical' sense.
The Earth's orbit changes from being almost a perfect circle to its 'elliptical' form and then back again.
But his account is delivered in the same 'elliptical' , insiders' fashion as the speeches that follow, and so requires as much exegesis and commentary as anything else in the book.
At times, 'elliptical' speech or writing is so concise that listeners and readers must supply missing elements through guesswork or special knowledge, and if they cannot, they fail to understand.
He had achieved this by the time he was eighteen but at this stage he did not know even that the moon and planets described 'elliptical' orbits.
That is a phrase which, in our respectful submission, is also apt to mislead, it being an 'elliptical' noun phrase.
Visitors will be able to walk beneath the concave underside of the 'elliptical' bean-shaped form.
I know about than the preposition vs. than the introducer of 'elliptical' clauses, but this example took me (intuitively, not analytically) aback.
They are often 'elliptical' in shape, but sometimes possess hexagonal outlines.
Cocteau, he added, protected his speech with short, tense and 'elliptical' lines which formed a barrier between himself and the reader.
The construction ‘the shiraz impresses’ seems to be 'elliptical' , with an implied object complement that is not expressed, rather than being a genuinely intransitive verb.
No, what puzzled us was Chuck Colson's 'elliptical' logic and weird similes.
Glossy deep green oval or 'elliptical' leaves grow up to 18 inches long and 5 inches wide.
The 'elliptical' questions should be generally acceptable, since they don't have soon (with its usual component of afterness) in combination with before.
He appears to be shuffling the decks in an 'elliptical' power move.
The north face of the building is concave, completing the 'elliptical' pattern that begins in the courtyard.
Its 'elliptical' paraboloid shape was selected because it could be easily described mathematically, simplifying both design and construction.
Clutch size is two and eggs are white, non-glossy and an 'elliptical' oval shape.
When little observations popped out, they had 'elliptical' power.
It consists of four parts, the 'elliptical' garden incorporating an oval pool, the Yew garden, the upper terrace and a lower terrace and pergola, all four linked by a terrace which once fronted the original house.
He noted that if the bob was drawn back and released then it followed an 'elliptical' path, and moreover the major axis rotated in the direction of revolution exactly as did the apsides of the moon's orbit.
Watching it now it seems even stranger that its oblique characters and 'elliptical' , alien scenes of remote mountain-town malaise managed to hypnotise so many people for two series.
In each case, 'elliptical' writing conveys too little.
Newton favoured comets having parabolic orbits, but Halley believed that 'elliptical' orbits might exist.
He guessed that the original cutting stylus was defective and so he tried a custom-made reproducing stylus, instead of the usual conical or 'elliptical' styli.
It never strives to say anything in particular, and the backroom drama-what there is of it anyway-is so brief, oblique and 'elliptical' that it merely provides an air of impromptu, on-the-fly context for the dance numbers.
Bush was as 'elliptical' in his victory speech about what lies ahead in Iraq as about the domestic issues he touched on, which included the economy, taxes, Social Security and education.
For two bodies, the solution is easy: the two bodies move around each other in 'elliptical' orbits - or follow parabolic or hyperbolic paths in some special cases.
Cells are oval or 'elliptical' in shape, with the maximum width of the cell at about the midpoint of its length.
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