English to Indonesian Dictionary mockery


stung by her mockery, Frankie hung his head
teasing and contemptuous language or behavior directed at a particular person or thing.
translation of 'mockery'
contoh buruk,
Painful as it seems, and as much as we know that he's going to be found guilty, the trial can't just be a 'mockery' of a real trial.
The part I don't get is why the really dreadful singers set themselves up for scorn and 'mockery' - and they have to know that's what they're in for.
To call that a ‘free choice’ is a 'mockery' of language.
Debate the guy, denounce him, subject him to ridicule and 'mockery' at every opportunity.
Is it an important step towards reconciliation or a 'mockery' of democracy?
after a 'mockery' of a trial in London, he was executed
Then, in a 'mockery' of the political process, they set up a polling centre amongst the ruins and called it democracy.
in her bitterness she felt that all rejoicing was 'mockery'
It's a travesty, a 'mockery' of our Constitutional system, and they will not rest until this hideous distortion of all that is good and decent has been ended once and for all.
‘Any conclusion that this is about spying on residents would be a grotesque misunderstanding of the training provided and a 'mockery' of our intentions,’ a trust director said.
More recently the hotel descended into a 'mockery' of its former self, snobbish for snobbery's sake, until rescued in 1995.
stung by her 'mockery', Frankie hung his head
His voice was absolutely sincere, with no 'mockery' or sarcasm even hinted.
For the first time, it seemed, there was no 'mockery' or teasing in George's voice.
Maybe I've strayed off-topic here, but I think that 'mockery' and derision is, oddly enough, part of the stuff of taking religion seriously.
Online petitions are a 'mockery' of grassroots democracy.
after a 'mockery' of a trial in London, he was executed
Open sarcasm and 'mockery' entered his voice.
For all groups to be subject to open criticism, including 'mockery' and ridicule, has been a great leveller.
It would have been a 'mockery' of the British way of life to stand by and let a man like him terrorise me on my own doorstep.
With greetings of hope and yet of sarcastic 'mockery' the crowd cheered his emerging form.
Anything's open for ridicule or criticism or 'mockery' .
This dangerous double standard makes a sham and a 'mockery' of the justice system.
This is of course not a fair and open practice and a 'mockery' of the ‘people's parliament’.
It's a 'mockery' of the game to play it in forcibly sanitized conditions.
What eventually took its place was a travesty of the real thing, a 'mockery' of the power that could raise men to heaven and give them the glimpse of God for which they gladly died.
stung by her 'mockery', Frankie hung his head
The United States ambassador said the demonstrations were a 'mockery' of the right of protest and freedom of assembly.
More straightforwardly aggressive 12 months ago, yesterday he mixed contempt with pitying 'mockery' .
in her bitterness she felt that all rejoicing was 'mockery'
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