English to Indonesian Dictionary profound


the vast depth of the ocean or of the mind.
profound social changes
(of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense.
a profound philosopher
(of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight.
translation of 'profound'
amat sangat
For me, this book is about the 'profound' idea of a child hoping to navigate death, which is a very complicated, complex part of life.
Then I realised I wouldn't have any 'profound' thoughts.
The experience had a very 'profound' effect on me, both emotionally and spiritually.
That's a very 'profound' statement because if you talk to companies today, they say the customer's always right.
The idea is more 'profound' than one might normally expect from a child.
The idea of negotiation, however, implies that the most 'profound' changes may be extremely subtle.
Thus, differences in size have potentially 'profound' implications for the ecology and fitness of large and small animals.
Chief Seattle's reply has been described as the most beautiful and 'profound' statement on the environment ever made.
I think it has quite 'profound' implications for us as human beings.
These projects are extremely important, and they raise 'profound' questions regarding appropriate intellectual property policies.
The patient also may have 'profound' malaise, severe headaches, myalgias, and vague abdominal pain.
Most intelligent critics of all schools who are familiar with his literary works agree that he was one of the most 'profound' thinkers and learned writers of his time.
Such films can never have a 'profound' influence on the viewers, he says.
Quantum mechanics is one of the top two most 'profound' ideas in the history of physics.
It was not only onstage that 'profound' emotions stirred under a cool, unruffled surface.
The deformity may be so severe, the fractures so numerous, and the disability so 'profound' , however, that almost any form of treatment deserves consideration.
The separation is so 'profound' that there is no real basis for argument.
Beyond these changes are two others, which may be equally 'profound' in their implications.
He suffered permanent brain damage and 'profound' disability.
The reporter will quote the 'profound' statements you make and soon you might even be on the cover of Newsweek!
Pat and his wife, Eva, have a 22-year-old daughter, Lisa, who has a 'profound' disability called Angelman syndrome.
Other projects could have a much more 'profound' impact on the intellectual property landscape.
There is a 'profound' fear of empowering consumers to share media in a self-organizing way on a mass scale.
The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well.
Nicholas's 'profound' handicaps became evident soon after his birth.
Appearing on the second tablet, laws six through ten can be understood as teaching a 'profound' idea if we study them in reverse order, from bottom to top.
As a medium to express 'profound' ideas, it's secondary to a novel.
Over the long term, they will make a far more 'profound' impact.
This short paragraph does not even scratch the surface of a book that has many novel insights and 'profound' ideas, and which opens up numerous lines for further inquiry.
I choose to interpret this not as a ‘marketing tip,’ but as a 'profound' statement.
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