English to Indonesian Dictionary raging


he raged at the futility of it all
feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.
a raging bull
showing violent uncontrollable anger.
translation of 'raging'
yg mengamuk,
Archers fired at the 'raging' beast, but his powerful armour and great bulk absorbed the pitiful wooden arrows as if they were just light mosquito bites.
This new fighter was no exception, they just didn't seem to learn, he was charging at Gytr like a 'raging' bull complete with snorts and bellows.
A gathering of more than 30 top city dignitaries met at York's Norwich Union Life headquarters to celebrate the 'raging' success of York Business Pride.
Police were last night continuing their investigations into how a car plunged into a 'raging' river, killing four men and injuring one.
Whilst many residents may disagree, the Pattaya Music Festival 2002 was a 'raging' success with more people than ever seen before on the city's streets.
Due to the 'raging' success of our products, money coming in has been able to finance improvements to keep up with the demand for product going out.
The Holiday Pledge Drive, into which the current round of fundraising seems to have evolved, has been a 'raging' success.
My third climb with Patrick was a 'raging' success.
Her trained poodle had turned into a 'raging' pit bull.
The screening in the big theater, loaded with folks from 7 to 70, was a 'raging' success.
Will Edwards bite the bullet, silence 'raging' campaign staff and be a good Veep for the good of the party and himself?
The 21-year-old was sucked into the 'raging' waters of the tidal wave and carried along 150 metres on the paradise island of Koh Lanta in Thailand.
Eventually, her eyelids closed and she fell asleep dreaming of wild woods, 'raging' storms and open seas.
The man could laugh at his own mistakes, but turned into 'raging' bull whenever I made one.
Countless seafarers have been dragged into watery graves by the 'raging' maelstrom that inhabits the two-mile strip of open water between the Hebridean islands of Jura and Scarba.
The 'raging' fire light up the sky as the storm continued.
I sauntered through the upstairs hall, reluctant to go out into the 'raging' blizzard outside and home to what I'm forced to call my family.
It is as challenging as being a matador who evades a herd of 'raging' bulls.
Arizona firefighters hoping to save the $200 million Mount Graham observatory from 'raging' wild fires.
The sweet flowing stream turned into a 'raging' torrent.
Too many people knowing what was going on in her life always ticked her off and she was like a 'raging' bull ready to kill anyone who asked what was wrong.
Several times we had to hastily rise up our feet as the 'raging' bull was getting too close for comfort.
The Coast Guard say many citizens who survived the deadly winds and 'raging' flood waters are now dying of heat and starvation because the rescue effort is just too slow.
Steel clattered, cries soared through the cerulean skies, rage unleashed, war came upon the 'raging' countries.
My fellow members of Legambiente and I were horrified to see the 'raging' fires, smashed windows, and overall chaos in the city's center.
Today, his Arkansas-based timber company is a 'raging' success.
He becomes a 'raging' lion when he is angry, a tiny mouse when he is scared and a multitude of other forms depending on how he is feeling.
The mage obeyed, and summoned her strongest spells against the 'raging' horde.
And by that standard, the third quarter was a 'raging' success.
As the fight continued Amanda watched in fascination as her friendly innkeeper turned into a 'raging' bull determined to tear his opponent limb from limb.
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