English to Kannada Dictionary interchange


superior and subordinates freely interchange ideas and information
(of two or more people) exchange (things) with each other.
the interchange of ideas
the action of interchanging things, especially information.
the interchange of woods and meadows
translation of 'interchange'
ಅದಲು ಬದಲು,
Furthermore, all of the rest of us could 'interchange' pedals and feel fine on each other's pedals - just not on his.
The capacity of the A61 approach to the junction and the A61 link road between the motorway 'interchange' and Birdwell, will also be increased, by providing three lanes.
It is more of an 'interchange' , a consultation, and it continues surging widely.
Oasis is the nonprofit, international consortium that has been providing open solutions for electronic data 'interchange' since 1993.
I listened in shock to this venomous 'interchange'
But for the moment I just want to discuss an 'interchange' which another of the members of the panel had with one of the questioners.
the 'interchange' of ideas
National variations were enhanced when, under the direct effect of the Napoleonic wars, boundaries were closed and the easy international 'interchange' of ideas was inhibited.
Traffic between the Coolock 'interchange' and Whitehall, which is down to one lane in each direction for 1.5km, added delays of 15 minutes to journeys.
The potential for 'interchange' of ideas and resources is almost unlimited.
Electronic data 'interchange' lets suppliers and customers communicate directly electronically.
It's a subtle 'interchange' and exchange that happens between patient and doctor.
Here I send you all some photographs from that battle and I hope someday we can 'interchange' more experiences and information.
A brief 'interchange' of words resulted in the unanimous decision to escape as soon as possible.
Centrepoint is just under five kilometres from the 'interchange' at the M50 Motorway with the Navan Road.
This might be the first 'interchange' in the world with traffic lights.
the town's famous rail 'interchange'
The medieval and early modern periods were characterised by frequent intellectual 'interchange' , not to mention trade relations between Christendom and the Islamic world, and not just conflict.
Incidentally, the 'interchange' , feedback and conversation has been immensely valuable to me, and I hope also to my readers and interlocutors.
Given the centrist nature of Auckland University students her group didn't enjoy too much success, but provided for lively 'interchange' of ideas.
Its storylines and characters 'interchange' and interact in an elegant rhythm that leaves little wanting.
This mixture of research interests created an intense 'interchange' of views and opinions.
diesel units will 'interchange' with the petrol ones
His style of working is informal, and one which encourages the free and open 'interchange' of ideas.
The arrival of new members will enrich the EU through increased cultural diversity, 'interchange' of ideas, and better understanding of other peoples.
a free-market 'interchange' of goods and services
On their part, students will have access to homework assignments, and school news and events besides an interactive 'interchange' with other students and teachers.
It has its advantages; it's sure a good idea for data 'interchange' or for all those little files you need to store settings.
turn left at the next 'interchange'
superior and subordinates freely 'interchange' ideas and information
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