English to Kannada Dictionary modesty


with typical modesty he insisted on sharing the credit with others
the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities.
the 'modesty' of his political aspirations
The veil symbolizes the idea of 'modesty' and conveys the lesson that however attractive physical appearances may be, the soul and character are paramount.
I'm just trying to get through the day, and that's not just false 'modesty' .
I thought that the false 'modesty' would stop at university, especially Oxford; after all, we're all good enough to be here, otherwise we wouldn't have been admitted.
‘Welcome,’ the empress said to them, her voice holding false 'modesty' .
As usual, Mike's genuine 'modesty' understated his ability, but then he sincerely doubted his talents, even though they were there for all to see.
It's not false 'modesty' , but the viewing nation has had three solid months of me and now they need a break.
Many Asian cultural traditions place emphasis on propriety and the observance of strict moral and social conduct, thus 'modesty' and restrained sexuality are valued.
The fact that he was in a national political debate, where it's all about false 'modesty' and self-aggrandizement, made his acknowledgement all the more remarkable.
‘Since Father is unavailable that would be acceptable,’ she ducked her head in a gesture the steward took as maidenly 'modesty' , but actually was meant to hide her smile.
As an athlete, he violated the codes of 'modesty' and propriety.
Is the relative 'modesty' of the damages a reflection of the fact that the amount was determined by a judge and not by a jury?
Is this false 'modesty' , or is there something here worth considering?
Why does it seem like 'modesty' applies more to women than to men?
False 'modesty' is worse - far worse - than false pride.
'modesty' forbade her to undress in front of so many people
He instead uses words that reflect the traits of humility, 'modesty' , and loving kindness that are a manifestation of his soul.
It is not false 'modesty' ; he just does not know how good he is sometimes.
They made a decision to take action but, despite the bravery of their actions, they all had a very quiet, unassuming 'modesty' .
‘You have to forget your humanity, your learned pity and false 'modesty' ,’ he's told.
He had shown no false 'modesty' about his ability to avoid the gardener.
To be clear, I'm not opposed to 'modesty' in film if decorum calls for it.
Is it some kind of attempt at demureness and 'modesty' ?
They have to leave her shoulders bare but at least her 'modesty' is in tact.
'modesty' forbade her to undress in front of so many people
Her desire is rebellious and demonstrates a strong will hidden beyond a demure and feminine 'modesty' .
Girls and women were shy and had a sense of 'modesty' and propriety.
But faith in the classical virtues of decorum and 'modesty' remained with him until his death.
Girls are expected to display a number of feminine virtues, particularly 'modesty' and chastity.
Yet whenever I hear someone stand up in public with a poem or short story in their hand which they then preface with a lengthy disclaimer about its imperfections, I cannot help sniffing false 'modesty' .
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