English to Kannada Dictionary recuperation


the human body has amazing powers of recuperation
recovery from illness or exertion.
the recuperation of the avant-garde for art
the recovery or regaining of something.
translation of 'recuperation'
ಚೇತರಿಸಕೊಳ್ಳುವಂತೆ ಮಾಡುವಿಕೆ
Sorry, girl, I'm needing a bit of rest and 'recuperation' .
In order to allow him to continue his 'recuperation' , people have been asked to refrain from visiting him in hospital.
the 'recuperation' of the avant-garde for art
the human body has amazing powers of 'recuperation'
We promised ourselves a few days - ‘as long as it takes’ - of rest and 'recuperation' , not to mention re-adjustment, and we're jolly well taking our time over it.
Of specific interest is the essence of that experience as women await or are faced with surgical intervention and the ensuing recovery, 'recuperation' , and rehabilitation.
Sunday used to be a day for rest, 'recuperation' and recreation.
further energy saving has been achieved by heat 'recuperation'
We've administered sleeping medication to help her relax so her body can be given the best chance at 'recuperation' .
This workout is so intense that it demands at least one week of complete rest and 'recuperation' for the legs.
Yoga reduces physical and mental tension and promotes 'recuperation' .
Infections, which can strike an immune system compromised by surgery, may cause complications like bleeding and prolong your 'recuperation' .
He suffered an eye injury in training, and was out for three months; his 'recuperation' near completion in November, he hurt his ankle.
For as long as people have been writing and talking about the city, Bath has been synonymous with 'recuperation' and the famous powers of its waters.
An obstetrician is a medical doctor who specializes in the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth and 'recuperation' from delivery.
I'm utterly drained - as I write, I'm stealing a few precious hours of solitude for much needed 'recuperation' and rest.
the human body has amazing powers of 'recuperation'
On the other hand, the only chance for complete 'recuperation' is a bone-marrow transplant.
Consume sufficient protein and healthy fats to fuel your body and help 'recuperation' .
I hope he makes a swift comeback, but an injury like his will need plenty of rest and 'recuperation' .
Even after successfully completing a treatment program, recovering addicts face a lifetime of 'recuperation' .
That is where they'll go for quick 'recuperation' .
The trust will also have exemptions in place in cases where the hospital has asked relatives to play an active role in the patient's 'recuperation' or rehabilitation.
the 'recuperation' of the avant-garde for art
And after a lengthy period of recovery the Ballyhornan man returned home to continue his 'recuperation' .
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