English to Malayalam Dictionary immovable


If George wishes to deny the right of inheritance, ‘he must do so with regard to movable as well as in the case of immovable goods, or at least he must demonstrate why immovables , and not movables, should be inheritable.’
immovable property.
lock your bike to something immovable like a lamp post
not able to be moved.
It's also a materialistic time, and anyone with a stubborn personality will become practically 'immovable' under this influence.
Some things are 'immovable' - family, writing, Jasperwood.
The pain was a gnawing one and it rendered me 'immovable' for quite sometime.
The categories of fiction and non-fiction are among the most 'immovable' divides in bookshops and libraries.
It's better when you haven't got players on massively long and 'immovable' contracts and that's the way it is going.
So it is disturbing that he is so intransigent in accepting the reality of rationing: are there other arguments over which he is similarly 'immovable' ?
In the case of 'immovable' property acquired as capital goods the adjustment period may be extended up to 10 years.
This base is the 'immovable' heart of international relations.
In order, therefore, to decide whether the plaintiff can succeed in following the property into the hands of the defendants I should have to consider the law relating to 'immovable' property in India.
The recent Constitutional Court ruling against the execution of 'immovable' property of judgment debtors was an overwhelming victory for the weak and the legally challenged.
He has 'immovable' opinions about all the great affairs of state, but nine-tenths of them are sheer imbecilities.
When battle commences at the Millennium Stadium, there will be no sentiment on show as Euro 2004's irresistible force meets the Premiership's 'immovable' object.
In desperation, at least 24 genuine refugees in the 'immovable' queue got on that boat and drowned.
My interests are now quicksilver streams that dart between, and are frequently dammed by, the 'immovable' rocks of naps, meals, bedtimes and bubble-blowing sessions.
The British public were never going to be enthralled by a worthy exhibition of social issues, hurriedly assembled to meet an 'immovable' deadline.
Donegal, eager to re-define their season after an unforeseen defeat to Fermanagh in the Ulster Championship, weren't supposed to be an 'immovable' object.
It is well settled that the Article covers all property rights, movable and 'immovable' alike.
If a policeman on horseback represents the 'immovable' object, a cop straddling a bike represents a precariously balanced man on wheels.
Ptolemy's findings were that the earth was a fixed, inert, 'immovable' mass, located at the centre of the universe, and all celestial bodies, including the sun and the fixed stars, revolved around it.
Unfortunately, over the years, Philadelphia's building trades unions have been unfairly criticized as being 'immovable' in our principles at a cost to the city's future growth and prosperity.
Our stance on school attendance and truancy is 'immovable' .
Joints are classified in terms of their structure as fibrous, cartilaginous, or synovial, and in terms of their operation as 'immovable' or movable.
It was the irresistible force against the 'immovable' object, and the object moved.
Alexander is a winning Berowne, trying to sweet-talk the 'immovable' Rosaline, played with saucy spirit by the small, dark Lombardo.
Any train travelling at a decent speed is going to derail when it hits something solid and 'immovable' like a car.
Perhaps emboldened by the animal's 'immovable' stance the cameraman decided to move a little closer.
This fight is a very difficult one not because the ‘police barricade’ is 'immovable' , but because the thousands in their entirety need to be so convinced of their cause that they do not lapse into physical aggression.
Her love for me is as strong and 'immovable' as her faith in God, and that knowledge alone has gotten me through several times in my life when I wondered if I were worth the effort.
The problem was that both sets of posts have been firmly anchored in concrete for years and were 'immovable' .
Other familiar exemptions included under Article 13B (other exemptions) include insurance, the letting of 'immovable' property, and the supply of land and buildings.
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