English to Malayalam Dictionary smashing


the thief smashed a window to get into the car
violently break (something) into pieces.
their plane smashed into a mountainside
move so as to hit or collide with something with great force and impact.
you look smashing!
excellent; wonderful.
translation of 'smashing'
But as the years go by, we realize what a 'smashing' wonderful star she was.
Letting famous film directors direct operas has resulted in both 'smashing' successes and dismal failures.
Reaction to his role in MIT was excellent, he says, with ‘some lovely reviews and 'smashing' comments’.
Thank you everyone, marvellous entertainment and 'smashing' , friendly people, lots of them!
All indications suggest it will be a 'smashing' success.
Zen 8 was out of salmon skin, but we hit the jackpot at Sushi Kawa - the salmon was 'smashingly' crispy, the rolls expertly composed.
At this point the music changes to a jolly bouncy tune, sung absolutely 'smashingly' by Oliver Reed.
Our presentation to the president and company went 'smashingly' , and it was an unqualified success.
The tour is going absolutely, 'smashingly' well.
Everything comes together 'smashingly' , in an extended dénouement that… reasserts the power of stories and songs to represent, sustain and complete us.
Credits: Google Translate
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