English to Marathi Dictionary alien


an illegal alien
a foreigner, especially one who is not a naturalized citizen of the country where they are living.
This is blundering on foreign soil in an alien culture which they fail to grasp and arrogantly underestimate and they will ultimately pay the price of their ignorance.
belonging to a foreign country or nation.
translation of 'alien'
जेथे राहतो त्या राष्ट्राचा नागरिक नसलेली व्यक्ती,
बाहेरचा माणूस
If she hadn't become a citizen then she would have turned into an enemy 'alien' when the United States joined the war.
This is to familiarise the hosts with the latest fads in styling and lifestyles and an 'alien' culture.
The inner workings of 'alien' spacecraft are at last revealed!
He insists more than his teacher that we recognize the physical presence of elements that are 'alien' to canvas, yet takes extra care to make that presence ambiguous.
Everything in it that she had once seen every day now seemed so foreign and 'alien' , like none of these things had ever belonged to her.
Their hopes, wishes, fears, and aspirations were not ours; their beliefs, tastes, and customs were 'alien' to us.
Reformation and reconstruction of an 'alien' culture are a daunting task.
That would mean any non-U.S. citizen, even an illegal 'alien' , would be allowed to vote if that person has a child in the public school system.
He claimed the thing was some type of 'alien' spacecraft.
The ones I saw were being guarded, not by Americans, but by brown-skinned soldiers, men of their own size and race, incongruous in 'alien' boots and uniforms.
But if anyone in Selby is genuinely concerned about being overwhelmed by 'alien' cultures no one was saying so yesterday.
Does this just feel entirely and completely 'alien' to you?
The article about our town in the tabloid on Sunday week last was negativity through and through, depicting a picture of Dungarvan that certainly is 'alien' to me.
Darryl said he wouldn't be surprised if they also found an 'alien' spacecraft in that cave.
He urged gardeners to avoid the use of exotic plants and not to plant 'alien' flowers out in the wild or along hedgerows.
The urge to laugh is almost overwhelming as the enticing conspiracy theory degenerates into ranting about reptiles and an 'alien' race plotting to take over the world.
These ‘vagabonds and outcasts’ came with an 'alien' culture and a tendency to upheaval.
On her first visit to India, Justina's creative mind soon got down to depicting her perceptions of a new land and an 'alien' culture.
Perhaps it might seem 'alien' to someone unfamiliar with comics.
I'm a feminist science fiction critic who is married to an 'alien' .
The thought of first contact with an 'alien' race only through their artifacts is one that is close to the heart of science fiction.
Would it matter if they were from poverty-stricken foreign lands, steeped in other religions and 'alien' cultures?
These experiences are turned into snapshots of worlds that are normally utterly 'alien' to the West, yet become entirely understandable with Kapuscinski as guide.
To be fair to O'Driscoll, this role was 'alien' to him and the other team's central defenders were big and strong and took no prisoners.
Hitler had ordained the Final Solution for lesser races and 'alien' faiths.
The invasion of 'alien' tree species has seriously impacted many natural forest ecosystems around the world.
How is it that we are dominated by an 'alien' culture and religion, and even alter our laws to accommodate the practices of others?
How does any of us as a human being know how an 'alien' race would think?
The moment one of the partners is expected to give up their beliefs and to fit in with an 'alien' culture against their will, we no longer have a healthy marriage.
The presentation brought alive the history, art and music of Russia, stimulating interest in 'alien' culture.
Credits: Google Translate
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