English to Marathi Dictionary conflicting


parents' and children's interests sometimes conflict
be incompatible or at variance; clash.
there are conflicting accounts of what occurred
incompatible or at variance; contradictory.
Last week the FDA said antidepressant use by children actually rose this year, directly 'conflicting' with Medco's data.
Evidence for the use of probiotics in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection has been 'conflicting' .
The evidence for a direct effect of macrolides on neutrophil chemotaxis is 'conflicting' .
In the beginning of the article, he prophetically states, "The results are somewhat 'conflicting' ."
However, the physiological reports in the literature are 'conflicting' .
National guidance derived from the records of multiple organisations was 'conflicting' .
Growing up, I adopted for myself two identities, never 'conflicting' - I loved them both.
We are reaching the point where the process of rationalization is 'conflicting' with the deepest human needs.
The collected data on the effects of salinity stress on PSII photochemistry are 'conflicting' .
No evidence of even fair quality exists, or the existing evidence is 'conflicting' .
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