English to Marathi Dictionary decent


the good name of such a decent and innocent person
conforming with generally accepted standards of respectable or moral behavior.
find me a decent cup of coffee
of an acceptable standard; satisfactory.
translation of 'decent'
योगय स्थलकालाला साजेसा,
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I also wondered why a manufacturer would make an otherwise 'decent' dress too sheer so everyone can have a perve at your undies if you wear it.
If you put all of those young players into the team at the same time, without some really 'decent' players alongside them, you will lose.
A respected international footballer speaking 'decent' Spanish and enjoying life in Madrid should shut up both the snobs and the Europhobes.
After a 'decent' interval, laughter became acceptable as a means of relieving the tension.
Ninety nine percent of Heysham High pupils are 'decent' , respectful, hardworking and a credit to their parents.
‘David was the best husband you could wish for; he was loving, dependable and considerate, a very 'decent' man,’ she said.
She got out of bed and changed into a 'decent' dress of woolspun.
Somehow, the York players transformed themselves into what we all know they have the potential to be - 'decent' rugby players.
He said it had once been a 'decent' community, a nice place to live, but it had gone downhill in the last five years.
Frank has always been approachable, a very honest, 'decent' , generous man, with a great sense of humour too.
Anthony Fedorov has a 'decent' voice, but he's more likely to make it through on sympathy votes.
So, after a 'decent' interval occupied by morning chores, off we went into the sunshine.
‘Lyn are you there?’ Andrea said knocking. ‘Are you 'decent' ?’
By the time she was dressed and looking somewhat 'decent' , she had only three minutes until Aidan was due to arrive.
Tommie was regarded among all who knew him as a very 'decent' and obliging man.
Then the question that arises is what sort of political institutions and practices are appropriate in a 'decent' society.
There isn't a 'decent' interval of time during which one must hold on to a present out of respect to the giver, although the introduction of such a tradition would save a lot of heartache.
After a 'decent' interval he and Madeleine left Carew to his liqueurs and cynicism and headed back across the square to the Hotel Adernis.
Though Adams was a doubter on many aspects of Christianity, he nonetheless had a 'decent' respect for it.
What you have here is nice folks running a 'decent' restaurant with unique food.
They were both pretty ordinary, lived normal lives, made satisfactory grades and were 'decent' looking.
After a 'decent' interval of days, the identity of the new Prime Minister was no surprise.
I suppose it's harmless and they're all 'decent' , nice people, but we don't have much in common.
After a 'decent' interval, Prince George married his late brother's fiancée, Princess May, and they were a far more suitable couple than she and Eddy would have been.
Over the weekend I tend to wander around in my pyjamas, contact lenses not yet inserted, until after breakfast, before attempting to dress and get 'decent' .
Some 19 months later, time enough for five or six 'decent' intervals, Tenet still holds the job and appears to have job security, too.
But there used to be limits that 'decent' men and women respected.
From the sounds downstairs, my mother was trying to recover from last night's hangover and put on a 'decent' dress for her daughters' weddings.
And for heaven's sake people, put some 'decent' clothes on your daughter.
Now go get yourself 'decent' , I'll call a cab
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