English to Marathi Dictionary dreaded


Jane was dreading the party
anticipate with great apprehension or fear.
the dreaded news came that Joe had been wounded
regarded with great fear or apprehension.
The 'dreaded' cut is feared and widely misunderstood.
In ‘The Vulture’ he tells of the 'dreaded' bird building a nest on the highest branch of the tree in front of their house.
They do so much for the victims of that 'dreaded' disease.
Halfway through the meal, he cleared his throat, and I knew that the 'dreaded' news was coming.
However, the news was not the 'dreaded' loss that I had pictured while sitting in classes all day.
Even worse, you have to fill in a 'dreaded' tax return every year - boo!
The marketplace is eerily quiet, as many people are staying away in fear of catching the 'dreaded' bird flu.
Many smokers fear that by quitting the 'dreaded' weed they will need to tackle another problem - a massive increase in weight.
The good news is, the 'dreaded' event is not happening until September.
It was obvious that we didn't want to break the ice, fearing that a 'dreaded' secret would be revealed to the other.
Only few lucky people get signs of this 'dreaded' disease.
What do slobbering dogs have to do with a person's most 'dreaded' fears?
He'd relate his waking up to the birds singing in the tropics, the 'dreaded' mosquitoes, his excursions to the local market.
On Monday morning, I stood with Nicholas, outside the 'dreaded' headmaster's office, trembling with fear.
Finally, we are warned about ticks and their 'dreaded' Lyme disease.
After the 'dreaded' news today, I kept thinking where do we go from here?
For several years I was sure that I had it and would die young from the 'dreaded' disease.
Even if the man escapes a 'dreaded' sexual disease, there is still the question of character and behavior.
Here's one dentist who has got his teeth into helping patients conquer their fear of sitting in the 'dreaded' surgery chair.
I filled out the 'dreaded' unemployment benefits application and sent it in.
Credits: Google Translate
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