English to Marathi Dictionary footing


पाय ठेवायला जागा
Contrary to international law, it will be the world that foots the bill, estimated at $50-60 million.
pay (the bill) for something, especially when the bill is considered large or unreasonable.
the rider was left to foot it ten or twelve miles back to camp
cover a distance, especially a long one, on foot.
he suddenly lost his footing
a secure grip with one's feet.
attempts to establish the store on a firm financial footing
the basis on which something is established or operates.
translation of 'footing'
घट्ट रोवणे,
पाय ठेवायला जागा
He parked and stepped out of the cab, but the ground was icy and almost immediately he fell to the ground after losing his 'footing' .
I'm doing this so that our companies can compete on an equal 'footing' with U.S. companies.
All we ever wanted was a fair deal and to compete on an equal 'footing' with our European competitors.
They were playing away when a holiday maker lost her 'footing' on the rough ground, tripped and fell, taking out the whole band.
Still, it remained key to the President's political 'footing' .
Suddenly I lost my 'footing' and I fell on top of him making him fall off the chair.
He lost his 'footing' and fell to the ground writhing in pain.
Art in that era was tacitly defined in terms of creating beauty, and that creation was in turn put on equal 'footing' with efforts at expanding the boundaries of knowledge.
By then, all customer and geographic restrictions for foreign banks in China will be removed, putting them on an equal 'footing' with Chinese banks.
Suddenly, and due to a momentary lapse in concentration, I too lost my 'footing' and was swept into the stern locker, just as its lid was conveniently lifted by the water.
the suppliers are on an equal 'footing' with the buyers
The bar established a sound 'footing' for further expansion.
he suddenly lost his 'footing'
But he was so obviously uncomfortable being there, so uncertain in his intellectual 'footing' that his uneasiness just boiled through.
There was no light, and since the tunnel slanted sharply, it was hard to keep one's 'footing' without slipping.
Losing my 'footing' , my frame of reference changes as the ground comes up to meet me; my mind struggles to understand what is happening.
Earlier, she did not raise any issues before the GP, but now she finds that she can participate on an equal 'footing' with men.
The Agency now moved into high gear to put the operation on a sound 'footing' .
They will be asked by officers to consider transferring the museums and galleries service to a trust but the report says it can only be done when they are on a firm financial 'footing' .
Formed by Dougall in 1989, the company gives musicians with disabilities the chance to operate on an equal 'footing' to those without.
Now the right to down a pint has been placed on an equal 'footing' with human rights such as freedom of expression by a Scottish council.
Clearing the CVA debts will go a long way towards towards putting the club on a firmer financial 'footing' .
Suddenly, as the young woman nears the summit of the tent, her foot slips, and she struggles, desperately, to secure her 'footing' .
Rationalists see skepticism as something which must be refuted on every count in order to establish a sure 'footing' for absolutely certain knowledge.
This goes a huge way towards putting the project on a firm financial 'footing' (no pun intended) and turning it into a reality.
Similarly, religions have lost their moral 'footing' while their explanatory power now only clashes with our need for rational certainty.
Once or twice her feet lost their 'footing' , but with a firm grasp of the rope, Charlie was able to regain her balance, and continue downward.
It was emphasised that only in those circumstances could the buyer be said to be on an equal 'footing' with his seller in terms of bargaining strength.
The centuries old struggle of women to take part in society building on an equal 'footing' with men will once again be focused upon.
Neither side succeeded in establishing a firm 'footing' in the first half, as evidenced by the fact that parity obtained on four occasions.
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