English to Marathi Dictionary impenetrable


a dark, impenetrable forest
impossible to pass through or enter.
impenetrable interviews with French intellectuals
impossible to understand.
translation of 'impenetrable'
दुर्बोध गहन,
When present, it often forms dense, 'impenetrable' thickets.
Unfortunately, anything that involves more than a simple sense is more complicated and the barriers are often 'impenetrable' .
In this way the seemingly 'impenetrable' barriers that separated the two groups began to fall away.
When you know someone really well you develop routines which are 'impenetrable' to outsiders.
But as a technology columnist, I'm in the business of coming up with confusing and 'impenetrable' reactions to events around me.
One million men and 1,500 tanks crossed the seemingly 'impenetrable' forests in the Ardennes.
Implacable, 'impenetrable' , it may take five viewings to understand this movie, but it's time well spent.
It is no longer an 'impenetrable' island wilderness.
In front of him was an 'impenetrable' wall that he could not see his way around.
I found some of the interviews in this book fascinating, others I found 'impenetrable' ; but my general feeling was that book didn't deliver.
The 'impenetrable' jargon of much postmodern writings is an issue as well.
Unfortunately, her last escapade with William had taught her that bathrooms were virtually 'impenetrable' fortresses.
They forget, if they ever knew, that Shakespeare can seem 'impenetrable' .
The island is full of 'impenetrable' virgin forest ill-suited to bikes, leaving the last leg to be completed on foot.
Music industry insiders tend to litter their conversation with talk of turnover, market share and the 'impenetrable' jargon of contract negotiations.
The first three chapters of the book are hard going and, at times, 'impenetrable' and needlessly obscure.
Perhaps they had gotten caught up in an 'impenetrable' area of the forest and had to find a way around instead of simply going through.
Lots of fields have their own jargon that is 'impenetrable' to outsiders.
So the Romans decided it was not the primitive barbarians known as the Caledonii who had defeated them, but the vast 'impenetrable' forest covering the country now known as Scotland.
The spiky reed makes areas 'impenetrable' , both for hunting and for cattle grazing.
Growing an 'impenetrable' thicket is an alternative option that could blend in with the view beyond the boundary.
The creation of life in general and of the human person in particular is a thing we can know a little about, but also a thing which is shrouded in 'impenetrable' mystery.
It misfires because almost every page of it is weighed down by nearly 'impenetrable' academic jargon.
Indeed, paddling up the creek is the best way to get into the dense surrounding forest, which is otherwise nearly 'impenetrable' .
The country night was one of an almost 'impenetrable' darkness, accentuated by the occasional faint pinprick of light.
He might just be the model academic in that he elucidates the otherwise 'impenetrable' idiolect of abstruse theory by using the vernacular of Pop cult allusion, and he makes it seems as if the two were made for one another.
The poet seems to be experiencing a kind of existential crisis in a hostile, opaque, 'impenetrable' and uninhabitable world.
I just knew that one day the battalion of trees would overtake this weak stretch of highway and obscure its existence with an 'impenetrable' density.
The mystery is not 'impenetrable' to intellect or unintelligible in itself; rather, it is not fully intelligible to us.
To my horror though, I did not catch myself upon hitting the wall, but proceeded to pass through it into 'impenetrable' darkness.
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