English to Marathi Dictionary obliterate


the memory was so painful that he obliterated it from his mind
destroy utterly; wipe out.
translation of 'obliterate'
मागे काहीही खुंण राहू न देणे,
पुसुन टाकणे,
the special stamp should be placed on the left-hand side and not be used to 'obliterate' the postage stamp
Which city are they going to threaten to 'obliterate' this time?
This terrifying shadowy swarm would 'obliterate' the white light.
During World War II, he served with the United States Air Corps ‘Statistical Control,’ where he helped determine the most efficient way to 'obliterate' Japanese cities.
He has seen his country crushed under the heel of a ‘liberating’ force which has destroyed its monasteries, killed its religious leaders, and done its best to 'obliterate' its native culture.
Today we do nothing but disseminate corruption in the world; we 'obliterate' and destroy the world.
In this prophecy it talks about a key that will destroy and completely 'obliterate' the world.
While executing their musical duties, the nine members 'obliterate' their identities via different masks and matching uniforms and go by numbers rather than names, starting with #0.
I want to strike back, pulverise, kill, 'obliterate' anyone who has caused this harm to my city.
It came to a choice between demonstrating the bomb, or 'obliterating' an actual city.
The tried and tested method of surrounding a city, 'obliterating' whatever moves and razing villages to the ground is producing replicas under the cover of silence.
The procedure is contraindicated for patients with distal or obliterative disease, and those with combined pelvic and distal 'obliterative' disease.
Withholding food and resources from fellow humans overseas and then 'obliterating' their cities is no way to conduct the greatest country in the world.
Yet in the shadows of the black sky we didn't see the clouds whipping up over Laos, 'obliterating' the stars, the moon.
Napalm was used widely against civilians, and most major cities were 'obliterated' .
The disaster scenarios prophesied in such reasonable arguments will range from everything from personal ostracism to nuclear 'obliteration' .
We do not expect this shock to be 'obliterative' , dislocating to both body and mind.
On the bright side, the smoke has completely 'obliterated' the sun, and we are no longer baking as if we were inside a giant oven.
The automated announcer tells you that ‘your ticket must be validated using the 'obliterators' on the platform and failure to do so will result in a fine’ they tell you this after boarding the train.
The city was 'obliterated' , over 250,0000 people were killed and generations poisoned by radiation.
But the 'obliteration' of Nagasaki was, if comparisons on this scale are even possible, even worse than that of Hiroshima.
It means disorganization, destruction, 'obliteration' , of the institutions of government and nationhood.
Across the Berkshire Downs heavy clouds 'obliterated' the moon and unleashed a swirling hailstorm that lashed the dark bills and motorway with an icy deception.
One teacher remembers his early drawings as ‘scribbles’; others recall rudimentary figures 'obliterated' by cross-hatching.
With their destroyer 'obliterated' the pirates fled in all directions and then regrouped back together to resume their attack.
In this series, vases float atop color fields, but here the vase is partly 'obliterated' , as it is enveloped in smokelike, quivering strokes of black.
Mean Mr Sun has decided to brightly pop in at just the moment he usually hits my screen - 'obliterating' all view of what's on it.
Daz nodded, seeming to cheer up slightly - although only marginally, which was evident even in the blistering cold wind and misty clouds 'obliterating' much of our surroundings.
At the time he was addressing two recent disasters, an explosion that 'obliterated' a whole area of the city of Enschede and a fire in a bar that killed and mutilated dozens of youths.
Their capes were vaporized instantly, and the resulting explosions 'obliterated' the backs of their armor.
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