English to Marathi Dictionary possibility


the theoretical possibility of a chain reaction
a thing that may happen or be the case.
translation of 'possibility'
संभवनीय गोष्ट,
it was within the bounds of 'possibility' that she was dead
But there was no 'possibility' of that because racial subjugation was enforced by law.
It also had unconquered tribes with whom there was always the 'possibility' of war.
Then we talked about the 'possibility' of Amy writing a book for us - many years before she actually did.
there was the 'possibility' that he might be turned down
There was no 'possibility' of that site not contaminating the two streams and the harbour.
the castle is a 'possibility' for the party
relegation remains a distinct 'possibility'
I mean as well as the 'possibility' of failure, there's also the chance of success that is just as heart racing.
There may be risks in some forms of exchange, but the 'possibility' of exchange is always present.
Accepting what you have and enjoying it, but always being open to the 'possibility' of something better.
one 'possibility' is to allow all firms to participate
It was there he discovered the 'possibility' of using steel as a sculptural medium.
Originally a garden, by then the site was home to a large shed that had the 'possibility' of being converted into a house.
Of course, students always have the 'possibility' of getting a student bank account.
One might object that his account draws on the 'possibility' of a merely possible world.
it's not beyond the bounds of 'possibility'
war seemed a real 'possibility'
The question remains whether the 'possibility' of any such system is dependent on the existence of language.
When women and men live in a society, the 'possibility' of violations always exists.
The Fenians always faced the 'possibility' of being infiltrated by British spies.
Now I'm thinking about the 'possibility' of spending a year volunteering abroad.
The radiation emitted is, as you say, miniscule - so small that there is no 'possibility' of harm.
there was always the 'possibility' that he might be turned down
one 'possibility' is to allow all firms to participate
All serving members have considered the 'possibility' of having someone shoot at them.
Because of his actions, he knows there can be no 'possibility' of reconciliation.
there's no 'possibility' of that happening
This work is making the 'possibility' of xenotransplants much closer than ever before.
Within minutes, the plane bombed the front and rear of the convoy, sealing off the 'possibility' of escape.
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