English to Marathi Dictionary raging


he raged at the futility of it all
feel or express violent uncontrollable anger.
a raging bull
showing violent uncontrollable anger.
My third climb with Patrick was a 'raging' success.
But it wasn't a 'raging' bull; it was just terrified.
Almost 40 soldiers braved a 'raging' fire and potentially lethal asbestos fumes as they tackled a warehouse blaze in the early hours of yesterday morning.
We apprehended a kalbaisakhi - a 'raging' nor'wester where the furious winds unsettles all that is calm and quiet until it blurs the horizon and subsides soon after.
Whenever he sees this colour, he turns into a 'raging' , seething, out-of-control ruffian!
Whilst many residents may disagree, the Pattaya Music Festival 2002 was a 'raging' success with more people than ever seen before on the city's streets.
I, on the other hand, discovered the challenge of carrying a 'raging' toddler over my shoulder, up a verdant hill, in high heels, only to watch him run right back down.
The sweet flowing stream turned into a 'raging' torrent.
The Coast Guard say many citizens who survived the deadly winds and 'raging' flood waters are now dying of heat and starvation because the rescue effort is just too slow.
But with the right mix of supervision, freedom and restraint, it could be a 'raging' success.
She just gave him a look that would have stopped a 'raging' bull and gave him the pail.
Due to the 'raging' success of our products, money coming in has been able to finance improvements to keep up with the demand for product going out.
Several times we had to hastily rise up our feet as the 'raging' bull was getting too close for comfort.
Personally, I thought that Guest Week was a 'raging' success.
Even if you make the eight-second limit, dismounting is still jumping off a 'raging' bull and landing in the dirt.
Derick continued to dowse out jets of water at the 'raging' fire, but each time the sections he blasted out came alive again.
At the height of the violence a 'raging' gang of 40 men bombarded the pub with bricks and customers were forced to barricade themselves in the landlord's living quarters in fear of their lives.
There were some tears of course, and one very minor tantrum, but all in all I think it is safe to say that the school Easter bonnet parade was a 'raging' success with the critics.
Arizona firefighters hoping to save the $200 million Mount Graham observatory from 'raging' wild fires.
Too many people knowing what was going on in her life always ticked her off and she was like a 'raging' bull ready to kill anyone who asked what was wrong.
My fellow members of Legambiente and I were horrified to see the 'raging' fires, smashed windows, and overall chaos in the city's center.
It was a 'raging' success, with visits to the Dalaro website and the fictional Soto's page totalling more than half a million hits.
I sauntered through the upstairs hall, reluctant to go out into the 'raging' blizzard outside and home to what I'm forced to call my family.
The Holiday Pledge Drive, into which the current round of fundraising seems to have evolved, has been a 'raging' success.
Seventeen miles up-valley, a 'raging' creek flows in clear to join the silty Soler, an unnamed peak filling the V between the two streams.
This new fighter was no exception, they just didn't seem to learn, he was charging at Gytr like a 'raging' bull complete with snorts and bellows.
Eventually, her eyelids closed and she fell asleep dreaming of wild woods, 'raging' storms and open seas.
For Paul to emerge as a leading candidate, he'll have to turn his current assignment into a 'raging' success.
The man could laugh at his own mistakes, but turned into 'raging' bull whenever I made one.
I admire the inventiveness, and while not everything is a 'raging' success, there's a lot to like.
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