English to Portuguese Dictionary footing


Contrary to international law, it will be the world that foots the bill, estimated at $50-60 million.
pay (the bill) for something, especially when the bill is considered large or unreasonable.
the rider was left to foot it ten or twelve miles back to camp
cover a distance, especially a long one, on foot.
he suddenly lost his footing
a secure grip with one's feet.
attempts to establish the store on a firm financial footing
the basis on which something is established or operates.
translation of 'footing'
apoio para o pé,
colocação dos pés,
situação segura,
The centuries old struggle of women to take part in society building on an equal 'footing' with men will once again be focused upon.
When he regains his 'footing' , he starts walking to the door.
This work is vital to demonstrate the potential impact of preventing ill health and put it on an equal 'footing' with clinical interventions, which are routinely subject to economic evaluation.
Her grip and 'footing' slipped numerous times but she was able to reach the top.
Suddenly, as the young woman nears the summit of the tent, her foot slips, and she struggles, desperately, to secure her 'footing' .
All we ever wanted was a fair deal and to compete on an equal 'footing' with our European competitors.
Check the depth of the step with your foot to confirm your 'footing' for balance on the stairs.
The bar established a sound 'footing' for further expansion.
Her feet made slight shifts as they momentarily lost 'footing' , but she did not stop, did not falter in her forward momentum, heading toward the East River.
By then, all customer and geographic restrictions for foreign banks in China will be removed, putting them on an equal 'footing' with Chinese banks.
Once or twice her feet lost their 'footing' , but with a firm grasp of the rope, Charlie was able to regain her balance, and continue downward.
Sirka staggered around, trying to make her way out of the hallway and into the family room, when she suddenly lost her 'footing' .
Nobody really wins, one person will eventually lose their 'footing' on the ground and everybody ends up falling.
They argued it was necessary to put it on an equal 'footing' with major European languages, to reflect Irish identity and culture.
he suddenly lost his 'footing'
the suppliers are on an equal 'footing' with the buyers
I ended up walking on the unshovelled areas in order to have a more secure 'footing' .
Still, it remained key to the President's political 'footing' .
attempts to establish the shop on a firm financial 'footing'
I waited until I had my 'footing' firmly on the ground and stopped getting thrown against the stall walls.
She cried out, stumbled backwards, and clutched at her nose as he regained his grip and his 'footing' .
It seems strange to expect the elderly, who have contributed to the education of the young all their working lives, to continue to do so on an equal 'footing' with everyone else.
Clearing the CVA debts will go a long way towards towards putting the club on a firmer financial 'footing' .
He will also be able to compete on an equal 'footing' with some of the professionals on the circuit, who have already found themselves trailing in his wake on some of the sport's most gruelling courses.
Rationalists see skepticism as something which must be refuted on every count in order to establish a sure 'footing' for absolutely certain knowledge.
It would start as a ‘no-frills’ service and develop once a sound financial 'footing' has been established.
Andy has put his life back on a secure 'footing' since being found guilty of espionage by a Greek court, last month.
The programme was launched on a trial basis in late 2003 but is now set to be established on a permanent 'footing' .
But he was so obviously uncomfortable being there, so uncertain in his intellectual 'footing' that his uneasiness just boiled through.
However, I would be interested to hear suggestions as to how the state might put the non-orthodox majority on an equal 'footing' with the orthodox minority.
Credits: Google Translate
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