English to Portuguese Dictionary insensitive


an insensitive remark
showing or feeling no concern for others' feelings.
translation of 'insensitive'
I accused him of being thoughtless and 'insensitive' to my needs.
We should point out that Rosenberger is by no means 'insensitive' to the responsibilities of those dishing out satire and ridicule.
The connection between religious beliefs and epilepsy is a curiosity, but for those living with the difficulty of epileptic seizures these concerns may seem a little 'insensitive' .
A number of other biochemical variables either remained 'insensitive' to lead exposure or responded moderately to chelation treatment.
We become 'insensitive' to pain, cold, wind, homesickness, thirst, hunger.
I don't want the ability to be harsh or 'insensitive' just to shock my readers.
Pupils at Bwacha High school in Kabwe yesterday demonstrated, demanding the removal of their head teacher whom they accused of being rude and 'insensitive' to their needs.
The chilling and 'insensitive' arrogance of this remark is breathtaking.
Practice compassion, conquering callous, cruel and 'insensitive' feelings toward all beings.
His people were saying he was ineffective, was out of touch, was 'insensitive' to the rough times they were going through, wouldn't listen, and didn't lead.
Oxygen utilization that was 'insensitive' to KCN and sensitive to SHAM was indicative of the presence of the alternative pathway.
The trouble is that in the process, it is only too easy to become 'insensitive' to some realities which ought to impinge on one's consciousness - and one's conscience.
‘Learn the value of any criticism, even harsh and 'insensitive' criticism,’ Clark said.
Examples of regulatory regions that were highly sensitive, moderately sensitive, and 'insensitive' were found.
It's tempting to take this study as justification for any overreactions we women may have had to 'insensitive' remarks.
The current Jewish critique of Israel is often portrayed as 'insensitive' to Jewish suffering, past as well as present, yet its ethic is based on the experience of suffering, in order that suffering might stop.
The simple task of baking a cake defeats Laura, her domesticity challenged by a friend's 'insensitive' remark that ‘anyone can bake a cake’.
To give any more away would make me as 'insensitive' and unfeeling as a cannibal.
Some might call him 'insensitive' , callous even, but he believes there's some plain talk that America and a large part of the rest of the world needs to hear.
Finally it is only at the level of the plasmalemma or the cytoskeleton itself, and assuming that sensitive and 'insensitive' zones are serially connected that the stresses might be relevant.
Many meat processors in the state feel that the USDA inspection service is inflexible and 'insensitive' to their needs.
Furious critics have condemned her 'insensitive' remarks as ‘appalling’.
I found myself reading again passages that reminded me of just how unaware and 'insensitive' I am to health concerns in developing countries.
In contrast, petal wilting was either ethylene sensitive or 'insensitive' , and this was also generally consistent within families or subfamilies.
Tourists intent on bartering can be hugely 'insensitive' to the fact that the locals they are hammering down to a bargain price may be incredibly poor and the sums involved shamefully petty by our standards.
Don't let your silence become tacit approval for 'insensitive' , derogatory or racist remarks made by professional athletes.
He accused the Canadian anti-globalisation movement of being racist and 'insensitive' to Native and Québecois history for using a maple leaf as its symbol.
In '68, he released High School, which featured devastating footage of some rather fascistic teachers being wildly 'insensitive' to their students.
The paradox is that tilapia islets produce insulin in a very glucose sensitive manner but simultaneously appear to be peripherally 'insensitive' to insulin.
Not that I am 'insensitive' to Ms. Warner's plight.
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