English to Punjabi Dictionary > adjust
he smoothed his hair and adjusted his tie
alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result.
We are aware that loss adjusting and economic damage calculation is not an exact science at all but as a relative indicator it can work very well.
assess (loss or damages) when settling an insurance claim.
she must be allowed to grieve and to 'adjust' in her own way
she must be allowed to grieve and to 'adjust' in her own way
Specialized expertise acquired through professional training given on the job may also be used to 'adjust' claims.
If there's been one negative aspect of Mike's time here, it would be the food, something he still hasn't 'adjusted' to.
Also being considered are better light transmission and, ultimately, tunable laser protection that 'adjusts' to the hazard.
More than 35,000 insurance 'adjusters' are working statewide handling more than 1-million claims filed from the first three storms.
The most important feature to look for is maximum 'adjustability' .
The seats in black leather are very comfortable and 'adjustable' .
The standard errors of the model estimates were 'adjusted' for the clustering of patients within hospitals.
Analysts have not ruled out the company making a major strategic shift as it 'adjusts' to changing market conditions.
Soil temperatures are favorable for corn and most of the planters are 'adjusted' for the dry conditions.
By giving more weight to more recent data, such smoothing 'adjusts' to abrupt shifts in the underlying level of a data series, such as a sudden jump up to a new, higher level.
Did they send an 'adjuster' out to look at your car?
Length is adjusted by loosening the knurled locking collar only a halt turn, after which the post 'adjusts' to the desired height and is secured by another half turn of the locking collar.
Also note that the data in these tables are not 'adjusted' for group sizes, and smaller groups are at a distinct disadvantage.
If the diesel engine is 'adjusted' for low particulate emissions, more nitrogen oxide is produced.
I'm still getting 'adjusted' to life in Waterloo, and it's been tough.
The air suspension and ride height 'adjuster' don't work properly, which means when the car is full the rear suspension is so low the underside scrapes on speed bumps.
All analyses were 'adjusted' for age, sex, and education.
He has been in the post for two years and 10 months, and despite a lack of fluency in Chinese, he has 'adjusted' to life here.
A Country Parish examines life in west Wiltshire as it follows vicar Jamie Allen and his family as he moves into the parish of Seend and 'adjusts' to country life.
These results were 'adjusted' for age, sex, and deprivation.
All analyses were 'adjusted' for clustering of offspring within families.
Ulma Form Works, Hawthorne, N.J., devised a self-rising forming system that 'adjusts' to a changing geometry as the core rises.
The handset is dominated by a 176 mm X 320 mm colour display screen that 'adjusts' to the users' hand movements to allow for tilting, scrolling and zooming.
There are some journalists who have not 'adjusted' to pop journalism.
However, the report is already 'adjusted' for such seasonal factors.
She said that the program is best suited to upper-level students who have already 'adjusted' to life on campus and in the community.
All linear measurements were 'adjusted' for their respective level of magnification.
This kind of 'adjustability' is key in buying a quality office chair.
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