English to Punjabi Dictionary circumstantial


Intent can, of course, always be proved through circumstantial evidence.
(of evidence or a legal case) pointing indirectly toward someone's guilt but not conclusively proving it.
the picture was circumstantial and therefore convincing
(of a description) containing full details.
He submitted that that evidence provided a powerful 'circumstantial' case of murder.
It would be open to a jury to find that those facts are some 'circumstantial' evidence which supports the Crown's case.
Sometimes one has to rely on probabilities and on 'circumstantial' evidence; which I always thought was less unreliable than oral evidence.
Nobody sees what happens, but there is other 'circumstantial' evidence implicating him.
Some States will attend sessions to defend against any 'circumstantial' or uncorroborated evidence on their human rights situation.
There is very strong evidence of motive in a 'circumstantial' case.
There was a substantial body of 'circumstantial' evidence implicating the accused in addition to the informer's evidence.
No, it's not just a coincidence, it is 'circumstantial' evidence of his guilt.
Her 'circumstantial' account was accepted by thousands who had hitherto remained sceptical.
We've had a great deal of 'circumstantial' evidence suggesting that indirect transmission occurs.
There is other 'circumstantial' evidence that supports the suspicious nature of his initial entrance to those premises.
And it is clear from reading his evidence that his conclusion was firmly based on that medical and 'circumstantial' evidence, as one would expect.
The 'circumstantial' evidence all pointed towards cold as the precursor to death, but despite this the official inquiry gave drowning as the cause of death in every case.
As in national law, in international criminal law a culpable state of mind is normally proved in court by 'circumstantial' evidence.
He includes much by way of 'circumstantial' detail without allowing his central narrative to become shapeless.
They do add bits of 'circumstantial' detail, but the images are like glittery found objects glued to the surface of a sculpture.
In fact, contrary to popular opinion, 'circumstantial' evidence is often extremely reliable.
As it is not properly a term of the British marine, a more 'circumstantial' account of it might be considered foreign to our plan.
The forensic and 'circumstantial' evidence as to the drink she had taken may be found at paragraphs 9 and 10.
All of the evidence is 'circumstantial' and requires the drawing of inferences.
The prosecution case was left to the jury as a 'circumstantial' case.
If they only have 'circumstantial' evidence, can they still conclude that a material breach has occurred?
Sure, I can imagine some of the 'circumstantial' detail that would make the story sound more immediate.
Yes, but no single piece of 'circumstantial' evidence ever is completely probative of the ultimate fact.
Intent can, of course, always be proved through 'circumstantial' evidence.
It had been confirmed 'circumstantially' anyway.
You would never be able to link it up 'circumstantially' .
In order to be able to convict him, they're going to be able to tie him, 'circumstantially' or through direct evidence, to the deaths of these individuals.
He adds that ‘A rhetorical education reminds us of the inevitable 'circumstantiality' of all human judgment, but shows us how we can control and offset that circumstantiality.’
Somehow, the sense of 'circumstantiality' and of power in reserve (if an anecdote or example doesn't sound strained but sounds as if you've got fifty others and this is the best one you chose) are factors that are rhetorically important.
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